Inner Demon

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"Are you my inner demon?"


I appeared in a pitch-black void-like room, standing in front of a woman who was identical to me but had a shadowed face with crimson mana surrounding her.

"Why do you act so human?" The inner devil asks.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"You're the vampire princess, why do you live with an inferior Demi Human when you should be enslaving her and feasting on her like cattle?" The inner devil proclaims.

"Because... I—" I was interrupted.

"Why don't you embrace your inner self and let it out instead of keeping it inside you? It will make you happier to enjoy the sensation of feeding on anything you want and enslaving anybody you want; you could do anything, but why choose to live as a human?" While walking seductively over to me, the inner demon remarked.

"Why are you here? What are you?"

"You loathed your vampire side so much that it gave birth to me." With a seductive grin, she wrapped her arms around me.

"I..." I was interrupted again.

"Now answer me, why do you act so human?"

"I've always been a human until I was reborn, why wouldn't I act as such?"

"You don't understand, you massacred an entire town merely to satisfy your vampire urges, even if you did it to conceal the fact that you still have some humanity left, and you still believe your human, how could you not be a vampire." Said the inner demon, while caressing my breasts.

I couldn't reject the allegations of my inner demons. I did massacre that village for my vampire cravings, and it was a wonderful feeling seeing their lifeless corpse after all their blood had left them, the addictive taste of the blood, and the feeling of being in charge.

"If Kasumi realized what you did, she'd surely betray you and leave you to die. And if you had managed to survive she would tell the Vampire Slayer Union about you, and they'd come to exterminate you for good. The only way out is for you to let me take over." Says the inner demon, while she embraced me from the back.

"Shut up." I shouted and kicked her in the stomach.

Memories of mercilessly slaughtering humans, fleeing the city, and attempting to reclaim a human life invaded my consciousness.

"You try to live a human life, but you can't; it's simply a fantasy you concocted for yourself to dissuade yourself of not thinking you were human." The inner demon reappeared in front of me and began to caress me.

"Shut the fuck up! I know! It may be my own fantasy, but as long as it makes me happy, I don't mind." I returned her stare.

"But wouldn't that limit your bloodlust, so why would you give up your freedom for Kasumi?" The inner demon muttered into my ear.

"She's the only one who cares about me, my sole remaining family. I'd never give her up for the chance to suck blood, enslave someone, or simply feel superior to others." I murmured this as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I can tell you enjoy devouring blood and dominating, yet you continue to deny that fact." While tightening her grasp around me, the inner demon spoke.

"Shut up! I'm much happier now, and I've even reduced the amount of blood I require so Kasumi won't die from a lack of blood." I raised my voice.

"Is a vampire still a vampire if they declare that they aren't one? They can act human, laugh, smile, and rejoice, but is their existence wiped out? No, they're still the ravenous vampires who drink blood for the purpose of survival and pleasure in the end." The inner demon began to stroke my body.

"Shut up." Kicking the inner demon in the stomach once again.

"Allow your vampire side to take over, and all your problems will vanish, leaving you free to do whatever you want; you can drink all the blood you desire, dominate all the humans you desire, and enslave all the humans you desire; all you have to do is allow me to devour you. Let me free you of this prison you made for yourself... Become free." While leaning her head towards my neck, the inner demon said.

Her fangs dug into my neck, darkness started to swirl around me, which began to close off everything around me.

"I'll kill Kasumi so you won't have to suffer any longer." Telepathy was used by the inner demon to communicate.

All I saw was the void, which seemed to bind my soul in black chains, and I couldn't think of anything else besides the one word:


Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now