Gaining The Weaver Class

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After looking around the Union area for a while, soon or later I found the Class Union. The exterior of the Class Union was made of wood and brick with a sign saying Class Union on the front.

I then entered the Union and found myself in a room which was fifteen meters in width by 10 meters in length. There was a receptionist's desk which took up most of the room. I saw some people in line waiting to get their classes, but it wasn't as lively as the Hunters Union.

I went to the line which had the least people and waited till it was my turn.

After a few minutes of waiting, it was now my turn, so I went up to the counter.

"My name is Alena. Will you be acquiring either a main class or side class?" Asked the receptionist behind the counter.

"I will be getting a side class". I said.

"OK, then what class would you want to acquire?" Alena asked.

"The Weaver Class" I said.

"OK, you'll be taking a test to see if you have the qualifications to obtain the Class". Alena said.

"OK". I said.

Alena then asked for an examiner who would watch over my test and determine if I was qualified to get the class.

After a few minutes, the examiner walked up to me and signaled me to follow her, which I quickly did and followed her into the examination room.

"You can make any type of clothing you want, but it has to be a set. Once you're done, then I'll check it and determine if you're qualified to get the class". The female examiner said.

"All right". I said.

"You'll be creating a two-piece dress with undergarments and cone-heel boots". The female examiner said.

"OK, can I start now?" I asked.

"Yes you may". The female examiner said.

I then began creating the set of clothes. First I created thread by using Spider Thread Creation, then I weaved the threads to make cotton. I then cut them into the shape of undergarments. I then added the texture, which was soft. After adding the texture, I added a flower design to the undergarments.

I then created a large cloth made out of thread. I cut the large cloth into the shape of the bodice and trimmed the unneeded cloth to further shape into the top piece of the dress. I then added a beaded lace design to it.

I then created another large piece of cloth and cut it into the shape of a knee-high skirt. Which would be the bottom piece of the dress.

After finishing the dress, I decided to make the boots. I created cloth and a hard rubbery material used for the bottom of the boot. I then weaved them into the shape of a boot and weaved the rubbery material on the bottom of the boot which made low cone-heel boots.

After finishing the set, it was now a mixture between blue and blush color which complimented each other and made it look appealing.

"I'm done" I said.

OK, I'll need to examine it thoroughly to determine if you're qualified to acquire the class, which may take a while". The female examiner said.

"OK" I said.

She began examining the set I made thoroughly. After an hour, she was finally finished, which was 2x longer than it took for me to make the set.

"You pass the examination, you can now go up to the receptionist desk with this Pass Card which will allow you to get registered for the Weaver Class". The female examiner said with a little admiration.

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