Kasumi's Past (11): Stabbed!

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My katana pierced its leg, which I followed up, mustering my strength further into the slash, so I could severe it's leg, which was less protected than the torso.


A black flame erupted out of the leg that I attacked, which seemed like it was alive. It then burst towards my direction, which caused my instincts to scream out in alarm as the flame increased its speed upon knowing I was trying to dodge.

As soon as I saw that it was increasing its speed, I knew I couldn't dodge the attack, so I decided to use short-range teleportation.


I entered the void by using short range teleport, but the black flame burned straight through the void and I was still glazed by the black flame before it was soon devoured by the void.


My arm was sizzling like how a piece of meat would sizzle when under fire, but this was no ordinary fire, it was a flame called hellfire which resonates from the underworld itself.

The hellfire continued to expand up my arm, trying to devour my soul, which I responded by severing my arm so it wouldn't continue to devour my soul.

Even though the hellfire was a weaker version than its strongest form, it was still able to devour souls just like its stronger counterpart, but at a slower pace.

The severed arm soon disintegrated, leaving nothing left of the previous arm. After the arm was gone, the flame was then put out just like how it was in the void.


Soon, a green flame appeared where I severed my arm and began to regenerate the lost limb. It first formed two stands of bone from the bone that was showing from my shoulder and began to intertwine, while also spreading and widening  itself until the bones were completely regenerated and in place.


After the flame finished regenerating the bones, multiple strands of muscle and tissue began to spread  along the bone from the muscle and tissue on my shoulder and once again began to intertwine, spread, and widen until all the bone was covered with muscle and tissue.

The same process happened with my skin, leaving the once severed arm fully restored like it was never severed in the first place.

While my arm was regenerating, the others were continuously fighting, keeping the fight still ongoing even with two out of commission.

I summoned my katanas back out, to find one of them having a crack along the blade, so I had no choice but to grab another one so I wouldn't break the katana.

After I imbued my sword with Fox-Fire Magic, I once again used short-range teleportation and appeared under its stomach. I then used the momentum created by the teleportation to slash my katanas at its stomach.


Blood splattered out from the wound, which followed after a black flame tried to disintegrate me once again, which I responded by slashing my katana towards the flame.


The two flames were nearly opposite, with the fox fire having light and hellfire having darkness and death.

They then began to merge, creating a blue and black flame, which began to to destroy everything around it without caring if it was living or not, but soon the two flames became unstable and began to implode on themselves.

After the two flames imploded on themselves, it began to compress into a bright blue and black ball of energy before it began to explode.


Before I could teleport, I was hit in the back by the explosion, causing myself to feel like I was being burned alive, but the shockwave from the explosion sent me forward, launching me out of the blast radius of the explosion, but with multiple broken bones and internal injuries. I also had severe burns on my back with minor burns on my arms and legs.

This same situation happened to the rest, but not as badly, just that most of them weren't able to enter the fight anymore, but that was fine since the Cerberus.

"Kiyomiii, didn't I warn you not to kill all of us when trying new combinations or attacks". Fenriru Goro yelled at me with a pained expression.

"Sorry". I said while I began to heal my injuries.

"No point in apologizing now. Most likely, Cerberus is dead or severely wounded from being in the center of the explosion, but if it is not, the two of us are the only ones who are still able to fight". Fenriru Goro said, while healing, his own injuries, which were some broken bones and mostly minor burns with some nearly severe.

"Feronia are you there?" I asked through telepathy.

"Y-yeah, but I can't fight, but can still move and fly, but you should listen to little Goro about not trying to kill us". Feronia said with a groan.

"That's good". I said with a relieved expression.

"Seems like we lost to beings from the mortal world such as you, even if this is an avatar that we created, which is a disgrace to Hades, but I guess our true order has been completed, which wasn't to take over this territory or kill you". The three girls said at the same time, while separating themselves from each other.

Goro and I stood on guard, with our hands on our weapons handles ready at any moment for them to attack, but we soon realized the three avatars began to dissipate until there was nothing left where they stood.

As soon as the Cerberus dissipated, the eerie feeling I felt at the Harimogura Palace began to arise again, but there was nothing around me to cause this feeling just like how it was previously.

Suddenly, my instincts screamed out in alarm as a portal appeared behind me. A silhouette came out of the portal with a short-sword which was radiating an extremely dangerous and sinister aura in hand came out of the portal.


The short-sword pierced through my lower back and went through the other side near where my heart was located.

I groaned in pain from the feeling of my internal organs being cut apart and moved around. The aura began permeating inside my body, destroying everything in its path.


I coughed out blood from internal damage from the sword and the aura, but was still able to activate my healing fire ability, which began to counter the aura inside my body.

"Even with three artifacts, I couldn't kill you, which isn't too surprising since you are the strongest one in the Kitsunezaki Family". The silhouette spoke with a sigh.

As soon as I heard his voice, I was surprised at first, but soon understood the reason why he was doing this.

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