Desperate Struggle

460 13 1

(Lily's POV)

I then coated my Blood Katanas in Chaos Magic once again and bolted toward the remaining 5 Ice Imps from the 20 that attacked me.

In a matter of a few seconds, I reached one of the five Ice Imps and pivoted my foot to the left, barely dodging its fist in the process while forming a Blood Dagger and stabbed it's ear, which killed it instantly.

I then formed the Blood Dagger back into a Blood Katana and beheaded the remaining four Ice Imps, attacking me.

The Ice Imps weren't only enraged, but also showed signs of being frightened. They would normally run away in time like this, but their rage overpowered their survival instincts.

The Ice Imps on the ground started bolting towards me while the ones in the trees swung through the trees toward my direction. Their goal was to completely surround me and fight me until I was too weak to fight back.

I once again leapt up into the air and lowered my center of gravity while concentrating my strength into my slender waist. I then rotated in the spot at an even quicker speed, sending multiple sword waves at the Ice Imps on the ground and in the trees.

*Pff! Pff! Pfff! Pffff! Pfffff!

The sound of cutting into flesh rang around the forest. In a swift moment, thirty Ice Imps were slain, with 10 in the trees while the rest were on the ground surrounding me.

The closest Ice Imps that were in the trees jumped down immediately once they had the chance.

I, with my two Blood Katanas in hand, thrust one of them into the mouth of an Ice imps, slashing upwards, cutting its head in half in the process.


I had no time to breathe since another fist came at the back of my head immediately after killing the Ice Imp.

I once again pivoted myself to the left and used the momentum in my rotation to slash at the arm of the Ice Imp, which completely sliced through without much difficulty.


The Ice Imp yelled in pain, but quickly overcame it and punched its last remaining fist toward me with fast speed and power behind.

I leapt off the ground and rotated in a downward position and began to rotate while slashing at the Ice Imp, which severed its spine in five different places.


The Ice Imped screamed in pain, but it ended with a quick pierce to the heart with my katana.

I then checked how much mana and stamina I had left:

Stamina: [410/615]
Chaotic Mana: [3045/4250]

At the pace I'm going, I will run out of mana and stamina, without being able to deal with at least 1 percent of them.

"I have to reserve my mana, but I have no method to regenerate it fast enough". I said with a frustrated expression.

There were four more Ice Imps with two punching towards me while the other two were grabbing towards me from all sides.

I couldn't avoid their attack, since they blocked my path on all sides while also blocking my chance to leap into the air.


The sound of bones breaking echoed throughout the forest, causing multiple monsters to look in the direction with either signs of being curious or fear, but none of them decided to investigate, since their survival instincts were warning them that there was danger in that direction.

When the four Ice Imps were inches away from hitting me, I lowered my body, and evaded their attacks, causing all four of them to attack each other's fist, breaking multiple bones in the process from their excessive strength.

Before the Ice Imps could come to a realization of what had happened, I slashed at all four of their legs.

*Pff! Pff Pfff! Pffff!

Before they could topple to the ground, I slashed them once again, beheading all four instantly, which in turn splattered blood all over the place.


The four Ice Imp corpses fell to the ground, leaving a cloud of snow in the air, blinding anyone who was either looking inside or outside of it.

"I can't use my [Shadow Dive] or [Short Ranged Teleportation] since they would drain my mana too quickly. What should I do?" I asked myself.

After the cloud of snow cleared away, forty Ice Imps attacked all at once. I pivoted my foot to the right, dodging one, I then dodged the other while keeping my momentum and slashed diagonally, cutting the vertebrae of one while beheading the other, which in turn killed them instantaneously.

I was bombarded with many attacks. I began dodging as many as possible, but wasn't able to dodge all of them, since the sheer amount of speed and power in the attacks were too much for me to contend with.



I was slammed into a tree with power and speed higher than my own even in my true form. Multiple bones in my body were broken.


I coughed out blood, and felt a tremendous amount of pain circling throughout my body. I then fell out of the crater made in the tree onto the ground with a thud.

I then checked the remaining amount of Mana and stamina I had left:

Stamina: [20/615]
Chaotic Mana: [5/4250]

I used most of my mana to protect myself from the collision with the tree, which allowed me to survive with multiple broken bones. When I crashed into the tree, it drained my stamina at a rapid speed.

I pulled myself up into a crouching position with one katana propping my body. When I looked over at the Ice Imps, I saw bluish-red glare from their eyes which told me they would were eager kill me with all things on the line.

My injuries were healing, but not fast enough, since it would take 5-10 minutes to fully heel my body back into peak form.

"I got to think of someway to increase my current amount of Mana I have so I can heal my injuries quicker and regain some of my stamina back. If I don't, I'll die". I thought while breathing heavily in pain.

Meanwhile, Kasumi was watching Lily's fight with interest. Even though Lily was having a difficult time and found it life-threatening, she still stood on her tree branch watching silently.

She would only intervene if the situation was impossible for Lily to overcome, since this fight could further unlock her potential and increase her fighting abilities.

"I wonder how she is going to come out of this situation safely". Kasumi thought with a curious expression.

If a normal person was in Lily's situation, they would die quickly without much chance or any chance of resistance, but Kasumi felt that Lily was different, so she decided not to intervene and keep watching to see if a so-called miracle would happen.

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