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During Lily's evolution, a day and a half had passed. Kasumi wasn't unconscious anymore, but she was still hurt, so she stayed out and Easter for Lily and for her injuries to heal.

"When will your evolution be completed?" While staring at the crimson cocoon in front of her, Kasumi muttered.

Kasumi's wounds have mostly healed, but she still has some internal wounds and fractured bones that haven't fully healed, leaving her stranded and unable to move without irritating the wound.


Kasumi turned to face the crimson cocoon when she heard a cracking noise and noticed a small crack appear on it.


More cracks appeared on the cocoon, inevitably leading to a spider web of cracks, before a woman's slender hand made her way through from the within.

"Finally I'm out of there." I said while I broke the pieces of hardened cocoon around me.

Kasumi examined Lily's developments and discovered that she had gained a few centimeters in height, but she was still deemed average height, her breasts remained the same size, her skin had become more beautiful, and her eyes had taken on a lovely charm, but everything else had remained the same.

"Sorry for earlier." I said it with a regretful tone.

"Are you referring to you abandoning me or to Aalka the succubus seizing possession of you and attacking me?" Kasumi inquired, her face serious.

"Both." I said with my head down.

"Aalka took advantage of your weakness, so it's not entirely your fault; still, you must accompany me shopping, especially because I need to repair my katanas if at all feasible; if not, I'll have to commission new ones from a blacksmith." Kasumi said, pouting.

"I'll go shopping with you." I said with a relieved smile.

"That's good, but what happened after I passed out?" Kasumi inquired, her face puzzled.

"I was able to regain control of my body after you passed out, which I utilized to keep her from harming you, but she soon realized that I could be the one preventing her from killing you, so she checked my soul world."

She materialized inside my soul world and we began conversing before she started ranting about her pathetic life, but she soon challenged me to a fight in the Twilight Zone."

"Oh, so you fought there, too?" Kasumi spoke out, as if she had been there before.

"Have you entered there before?" I inquired, curious.

"I have, because when my mother was transformed into a vampire in front of my eyes, it instilled in me with hatred that spawned a slew of inner demons that I eventually overcame." Kasumi said with a yearning expression.

"I see." I said that with a thoughtful expression.

"Please proceed." After regaining her calm, Kasumi stated with a smile.

"We fought inside the Twilight Zone, both of us were wounded, but in the end, I severed her cervical spine, paralyzing her from the neck down."

"After that, I psychologically tortured her and discovered that she used to be a young human girl who lustfully slaughtered her family. She then slaughtered other families in order to absolve herself of her guilt, which she did through lustful means. She was then thrown to hell, where Hades turned her into a Succubus before transporting her to the soul realm, where she would spend eternity as a lust soul demon."

"So she was a monster, even worse than the ones I'd encountered." Kasumi expressed her amazement by speaking.

"I quickly broke her mind since she lacked the mental fortitude to defend herself, and instead of executing her the traditional way, I accepted my vampire half and erased her from existence." With a smile, I said.

"So you were able to accept your vampire side and wipe her from existence so quickly in the end?" Kasumi exclaimed, her face beaming.

"Yeah." I stated it with a smile on my face.

"Now since that is over, you should probably check your status since you evolved." Kasumi said with a smile.

"True." I said before I mutered status.

[Name: Utsukushī no Lilly]

[Level: 101]

[Race: True Vampire Princess]

[Tier: Low Silver]

[Age: 19]

[Sex: Female]

[Health Points: 7,000/7,000]

[Chaotic Mana: 11,000/11,000]

[Stamina: 10,000/10,000]

[Strength: 2000]

[Agility: 2250]

[Dexterity: 2250]

[Constitution: 2750]

Intelligence: [2500]

[Resistance: 3000]

[Skills Points: 2750]

[Magic Attunements: Chaos Magic - Tier 2, Elemental Magic - Tier 3, Healing Magic - Tier 2, Space Magic - Tier 3, Enhancement Magic - Tier 2, Blood Magic - Ancient Tier, Weather Magic - Tier 1]

[Magic Skills: Intermediate Elemental Manipulation, Heal, Teleportation, Space Barrier, Space Needle, Disrupt, Blood Authority, Blood Bind, Blood Scythe, Blood Cutting, Blood Infusion, Blood Marionette, Blood Solidification, Blood Cloning, Disintegration]

[Magic Elements: Chaos Magic, Fire Magic, Earth Magic, Water Magic, Ice Magic, Wind Magic, Lightning Magic, Healing Magic, Light Magic, Space Magic, Enhancement Magic, Blood Manipulation, Weather Magic]

[Active Skills: Shadow Dive, Slash, Shadow Stealth, Shadow Manipulation, Stab, Swift Strike, Silent Step, Swift Movement, Nimble Step, Silence, Footwork, Spider Thread Creation, Thread Control, Recognition Inhibition, Telepathy, Flight, Invisibility, Mystic Eye]

[Passive Skills: Enhanced Daggersmanship, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Aerodynamics, Enhanced Regeneration, Scythemanship, Blood Satiation, Enhanced Sexual Appeal, Sanitised Metabolism, Enhanced Condition]

[Arts: Assassination Arts, Dark Arts]

[Resistance Skills: Elemental Resistance, Enhanced Pain Resistance, Ancient Sun/Holy Light Resistance, Ancient Blood Resistance, Soul Immunity, Poison Resistance, ***** Resistance, Daytime Walking, Weakness Immunity]

[Perception Skills: Enhanced Sense Presence, Sense Kin, Blood Flow Vision, Blood Sense, Night Vision, Flaw Detection, Echolocation, Enhanced Synesthesia, Spirtual Perception]

[Crafting Skills: Thread Weaving]

[Innate Abilities: Chaos Mana Manipulation, All Attribute Affinity, Appraisal lvl-Max, Blood Absorption, Semi-Immortality, Shapeshift (Vampire), Nail Manipulation]

[Vampiric Skills: Soul Devour]

[Titles: Chaos Mana User, Multiple Weapon User, Vampire Slayer, Wyvern Killer, Progenitor, Vampire Princess, Thread Manipulator, Blood Sucker, Human Slayer, Monster Slaughter, Ice Imp Genocider, ***** Puppet Slaughter, Soul Demon Killer]

"I am now a True Vampire Princess." I said as I examined the new abilities.

"I'm not familiar with vampire evolution." Kasumi expressed herself honestly.

"No wonder vampires usually look appealing since they have Enhanced Sexual Appeal." With a smile, I said.

"That makes complete sense." Kasumi smiled as she spoke.

"The abilities Echolocation, Telepathy, Flight, Invisibility, Weather Magic, Daytime Walking, and Disintegration are self-explanatory, whereas the remainder are not." I pondered.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now