Kasumi's Past (14): In the Nick of Time

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"Why are you doing this and what benefits do you get from doing it?" I said while putting my guard up.

"My master gets to complete his goals and we also get good benefits from switching sides". Lysethia said with a serious expression.

"I guess I can't change your mind". I said with a sigh, while full well knowing I wouldn't be able to contend against her at all.

Lysethia then bolted towards me, leaving an afterimage before vanishing in thin air from her speed. My instincts began to scream out in alarm as a woman appeared from behind me.



My right shoulder blade seemed to be broken, which would've been my spine if it wasn't for my instinctual reaction, which shifted the blow to my shoulder blade.

My arm was no longer usable, my passive skill regeneration was now repairing it, but it would take time to fully repair, which it currently doesn't have.

I summoned a single razor sharp katana, which was a curved single-edged blade that was mostly black with a strip of white running alongside the blade, a circular-shaped guard which was dark gray with the grip being black and white.

I dashed towards her with katana in hand with speed, giving me a slightly blurred figure, and I slashed my katana at her waist, while full well knowing I would most likely be unable to injure her.


She didn't try to dodge, but just stopped the blade with her finger as soon as it was about to come in contact with her, she was mocking me with her seductive grin.


Blood began to pour down the woman's finger. After a while she had a surprised expression, but I wasn't too surprised at the fact my katana could cut her, since the katana was a high tier, allowing me to cut her even with low strength, but that still wasn't enough for me to contend with at all.

"I'm surprised you were able to cut me, but it still isn't much even with your full powered swing". Lysethia said with a smile, while twirling her hair with her finger.

"Why do you keep trying to seduce me, are you a succubus or something?" I asked with a curious expression.

"Don't compare me to those bitches". Lysethia shouted in anger, while once again vanishing with killing intent.

Since her killing intent spread throughout the entire room, I couldn't sense where she was going to attack with my instincts, so I decided to use another method I hadn't tried before.

[Activating: Natural Arts]

Once I activated [Natural Arts], I felt connected to nature like I was a being of nature, as soon as I thought of finding her, I instantly found her above me about to attack.

I looked straight into her eyes, which caused  cold sweat to appear on her forehead, but she knew I was weak, so she thought it was an intimidating skill, and as for looking into her eyes, she thought it was just a coincidence.

I vanished from my spot, appearing above her with my foot straight above her head, leading to a falling axe kick to the back of her head.



Lysethia crashed into the ground, breaking the entire floor and leaving a crater, where she lay  in a pool of her own blood. Her bones were either broken or on the verge of breaking.

I then checked how much mana I had left:




[Deactivating: Natural Arts]

I fell slowly to the ground, while instantly falling unconscious with creaking bones, as well as completely exhausted mana from using [Natural Arts].

The skill [Natural Arts] drastically drains your mana, while giving you a boost in power.

[Skill: Natural Arts]

Duration: 20% mana per second

Backlash: The longer a skill is activated, the more stamina is depleted. If all stamina is depleted, the user will lose consciousness and will stay in the unconscious state.

The amount of mana needed per second can vary depending on the user's mana supply]

Even though Kasumi was unconscious, Lysethia was still alive, while still being a bloody mess, but her wounds and broken bones were regenerating fast enough for the eyes to visibly tell.

Her broken bones began to stitch themselves back in their original locations. After that was done, the same thing happened with the skin. Soon, her body was fully regenerated back to her peak state, like nothing happened before.

She got up with disheveled hair, which she responded by once again flipping back her hair to get it out of her face.

She now had an ice-cold expression on her face with anger appearing every once in a while. She now saw Kasumi's unconscious self lying 10 meters away from her, which caused a smile to appear on her face.

She then slithered towards her, while deciding if she would kill her or turn her into a lamia, which was difficult, since Astrisa ordered her to kill her, but turning her into one of us would have more benefits.

She soon came to that conclusion, which was that she would turn Kasumi into a lamia. She knew she would most likely get punished, but it would be more beneficial to do so in the long run.

Once I was in reaching distance of Kasumi, she lifted me up until I was in her embrace. Once I was in an embrace, she moved her neck closer to my neck and was about to dig her fangs into my neck until...



Before she could dig her fangs into my neck, a figure appeared behind her and kicked her launching her into a wall. The figure had bird wings with black feathers instead of arms and bird talons instead of legs. The figure turned out to be Feronia, the Queen of Harpies.

"Looks like I'm not too late". Feronia said with a relieved expression.

She walked over to Kasumi and picked her up and put her on my shoulder, while checking her condition for any injuries.

"Seems like she used her [Natural Arts], which drained her mana dry quickly, which combines with her exhaustion causing him to fall unconscious". Feronia speculated to herself.

Feronia was about to walk out of the room, when she was attacked by Lysethia, which she easily dodged and created lightning with her Storm Magic that struck her, before changing it into an Ice Storm with strong winds, which further cooled down the spot where she was leaving her frozen in place unable to move an inch.

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