Beach day with the gang

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(All of 'em are there, but every preference is on it's own)


He was a bit stressed about having everything ready, and not forgetting something one of them would need, like Ponyboy forgetting his books and so on. You helped him pack and not forget anything, and found it kinda cute seeing him worried that everything is perfect. At the beach, he asked you, if you could rub sunscreen on his back, and lemme tell you something: You. took. your. time! This man has a satisfying back like no other, and tracing his muscles just gave you such a joy...So you decided, since it'll take you a bit longer;), to give him a massage, and Darry was thankful for it. He literally melted into your hands, falling asleep as you continued giving him a massage, and seeing his head in your lap, peacefully asleep, it gave you even more joy. You caught yourself thinking of a future with him, only to be disturbed by the gang wanting to play chicken with you. You said later, and continued to spend the time with Darry, after he woke up of course, with him giving you a massage, and searching for shells:)


If one thing, Soda was mad scared of the sun, since he thinks he'll end up looking like he's been burnt directly in fire, but you assured him, as long as he has sunscreen all over his body, it won't end bad. You helped him with his back, and shortly after, you two were diving a bit further out, and you've made friends with some fishes, who apparently weren't really fond of Soda, and kept spitting water at him. He just laughed at it, pulled you in, and gave you a kiss, but you kept in, saving this moment, and wished, someone would have had made a picture of it. Later on, you played Chicken against Steve and Dally, with a 2-1 win for you and Soda:)


Unlike you, Ponyboy rather reads on the beach, and maybe swim a bit, so he's not really keen about it. He was never good at swimming, so you thought, you'd teach him more. If you could get him from reading. You were sitting on the shore, letting the waves come and go. Thinking, you'll swim alone, soft hands greeted your shoulders, and the next second, Ponyboy sat down next to you.
,,Wanna go take a swim?"
You were already running in the water, further out, turned around, and saw Ponyboy taking his time. Poor boy, you thought. You went back to him, took his hands, and led him into the water. He let you, and with just a look, you started to help him gain confidence in his swimming, and showed, what cool things are out there. The gang watched you teach him how to swim better, and they loved it:)


Johnny took a net he found in his attic at home with him, 'cause he wanted to find beautiful shells, and maybe catch some fish (but let them free afterwards). Since you took your net, too, the both of you, shortly after arriving at the beach, went into the water. Johnny was scared of deep waters, so he only walked until he couldn't stand no more, and search around that space, whilst you went further out, hoping to find some exotic fish. And you did (I don't know which fish are native there, I'm not from that country😅). It was a kinda big one, and you got as fast as you can back to Johnny, who caught some fish, too, but rather smaller ones, that were really curious. You and him released them, and went to play Chicken with Ponyboy and Darry, with a 3-2 win for them, but it was the fun that counted for you and Johnny. And a kiss made it even better:)


Two-Bit thought, bringing one 4 pack of beer isn't enough, so he brought two (always adding his two bits, hm?). He was nice enough to give you one, but you didn't care about it, since you weren't much of a drinker. At first, the whole gang, besides you and Two-Bit went for a swim, but you two stayed behind, saying you've forgotten to put sunscreen on. But actually, you instead cuddled a bit, since you wanted to yesterday, but none of you has had time:( And a bit of cuddling got into a bit of a...Heated make out session, which was abruptly stopped by Dallas making a wretching / vomiting sound, which on the other hand made you laugh, and challenge him to a round of Chicken. You and Two-Bit against Dally and Darry. Aaaand the winner iiiiis...YOU AND TWO-BIT, CONGRATS!:)


I don't know why, but he has an obsession with pool floaties, like...He has so many, at some point he lost count💀🤚 So everybody got a floatie as followed: Pony --> Shape of a horse / Soda --> Shape of a Pepsi / Darry --> Shape of Dairy Queen's logo / Two-Bit --> Shape of a beer jug / Johnny --> Shape of a unicorn (he loves them<3)  / Dally --> Shape of cigars (this one actually exists💀🤚) / Steve --> Shape of a car / You --> Your choice, whatever kind of pool floatie you like!:)
So now that all of you were on your floaties, letting the sun tan and warm up your body, Steve paddled over to you to hold your hand, and kept whispering little sweet nothings, which made you smile. You gave him sweet nothings back, and that happened for a bit, until, which you didn't realize, he "fell" off his pool floatie, into the water, pulling you with. It caught you by surprise, and a small scream escaped your mouth when you got pulled in, until...Steve kissed you. It was short, but it felt so good, you wished, it wouldn't end. But then you've got an idea: Why not catch him off guard, and pull him back in? Should work, right? It did at first, but you were surprised by the gang playfully trying to drown eachother. Later on, you lot played beach volleyball, with you and Steve against Johnny and Pony (cue the scene in Top Gun 1, where they play beach volleyball). Even later, you still did continue the underwater kiss. It gave both of you a certain kind of thrill and joy^^


Man's knew already, that there's a cave near, which has a passageway into the open water, and where you and the gang sat, so he decided to go have a look at it, without telling you or the gang. After a bit, the remaining seven of you realized him being gone, but luckily, there were visible footsteps in the ground, so you decided to go after them. You find the cave, and a Dally in the middle, the water passageway, swimming in the middle of it, back turned to you. Sneaking up, you try to silently sit down legs in the water, splashing his back. He turned around, smiling, and putting his arms on your legs. ,,I could look at you all day", he says, now putting his hands on the brim of the passageway, pushing himself up and kissing you. You gave in, and it were a few hot minutes. ,,I love you", you say after some time, smiling with joy. ,,I know", Dally answers. You were aware that he has a bit of a problem with saying "I love you", but the "I know" has the same meaning to you. Giving you a final kiss on your cheek, he motions you to follow him, and you two went to explore the passageway. There were many little fishes, just hanging around or accompanying you. After getting out of the passageway, you see the gang sitting on the beach, eating some snacks, so you two went, hand in hand:)


Question: Are you a fan of the beach?

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