What you help him realize and change

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Darry: He is more nice and understanding to people in general. Before, whenever he talked or did something, it came off as quite cold, but since you showed him how to come over better, it did change into a good thing:)

Sodapop: Saying no to other people. Soda's personality is helpful, and sadly, people with a nature of being helpful, often take a very long time, if not their whole life to learn to say no. It took a bit, a year or two, until Soda finally got it, but he does it way more when he is around you, to show you the progress he made:)

Ponyboy: Socialize more. You don't blame Pony for liking to be for himself, but you knew, that one day or the other, he needs to be able to go up to people more often. You showed him different scenarios, thanks to the help of the gang and other greasers, and how he could improve it. He's still learning, but on a good way to it:)

Johnny: Confidence. Now, I don't say, that he's not confident, but trying to show it is the hardest part. Before he got jumped by the Socs, he was a confident guy, and now he's just that little anxious puppy, which Ponyboy told you about. It took about three or four years, until he finally regained the confidence he had before, and it made everyone around him more happy than ever:)

Two-Bit: Cutting down the drinking and helping around his house. Getting an alcoholic to cut down on drinking is like surviving the fall of a 10 story building: Basically impossible, but with luck, possible. Of course, this didn't happen right over night, it took a few years, but with the help of some visits to AA meetings, good words from the gang, spending more time with his sister and you, he was able to overcome it little by little:)

Steve: His relationship with his father. There's not much know about what Mr. Randle does and looks like, but Ponyboy told you about how they sometimes got into fights and Steve's father ,,made it up", by giving him 5 Dollars the next day. It was a mine field, since you never met him, but you tried. Steve was with you the first time you met Mr. Randle, and you could just feel and hear, what a manipulator he was. After that, you just let Steve explain things about his dad and everything, and together, you got an idea. It turned out to be a good one, and made their relationship slightly better:)

Dally: Self control and manners. [Now, I don't wanna bad mouth him, I love him, but sometimes...Sometimes I just thought: ,,Where are your manners?" Like, for example, the situation with Cherry and Marcia at the Nightly Double.] You knew, what Dallas Winston is like, everybody knows, but sometimes it was just too much for you. You tried to set him down once to talk, but he just didn't wanted to listen. So you did something, that was way out of the ordinary: You acted the complete opposite of yourself, and to your surprise, Dally caught onto it. It was the few weeks after that, you made him realize, how some of his actions are. He kinda agreed on your help, and for a bit, it worked. You knew, that you couldn't change it completely and you didn't wanted to. He is who he is, but that talk about self control and manner was to remind him, that he has good attributes, and needs to use them:)


Now, I don't want any of the readers to offput you with this, but: You don't need to change. I wrote this actually with the intention of Y/N helping the guys develop a new good habit, but then got a bit carried away, and now present you this.
I really hope, I didn't make anyone mad, but, if you think I should change something, or I could improve on something, let me know by commenting under this!


I also want to tell something / add something about myself: I am, personalitywise, a mix of all of them, besides Dally, but if I had to pick out one, I am 100% like Soda. And it was only two years ago, I was 16 then, I am now 18, that I've learned how to say no to people. From little on, nobody over taught me it, and I just took it for granted, that it's my duty to always help and such.
I am glad, I learned it early on, because it did improve myself a little bit.
I just wanted to add this, you don't need to get into it or lose a thought to it:)


Question: What is something, that you want to change about yourself? (Personalitywise)

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