Patching him up after a rumble

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There was another greaser vs soc rumble, and all of them came home worse than you ever imagined. This is how it went:


When you saw Darry, it was, as if a zombie came up to you. Barely getting any words out, slurring, slouched walking, very slow walking...It went on and on, and put you into a kind of shock / trance. You shook your head and told the gang, that you're going to bring him to the emergency room. Darry tried to tell you, that it was alright, but you refused to listen to him. At the emergency room, you were lucky to have gotten direct care for him, so now you're waiting for the doc to come out. Later on the doc told you, that he had a mild concussion, and that it would be best, if he stayed the night, but you could stay, too, if you wanted. You nodded, but knew you couldn't stay the night, since you didn't wanted to leave Pony, Soda and the others alone. So with just a quick visit to Darry, and telling him you would go back home to the gang, to look after them, he smiled, as good as he could, gave you a kiss and fell asleep. You made your way back home, and on the next day, Darry was already better, and the doc gave an ok for him to go home, he just still needs to rest a bit. But as long as you were there, Darry said to you, it'll be way better:)


Since Soda partnered up with Steve at a rumble to look out for each other, he wasn't that hurt, but still came back home with a sprained left hand, and his right under arm was sprained, too. You asked him, if he fell or so, but then he told you, that one guy, a pretty big one, picked him up and slammed him to the ground. Sighing, you took a bandage and some healing cream (sounds magical~), and went to bandage said sprained areas. Talking a bit about the rumble, Soda couldn't stop leaning onto you, and as you were done with bandaging, he was sound asleep. You just held him, until eventually, you fell asleep, too:)


Since Darry told Pony, he should rather take on smaller ones, he got away with minor injuries, some scratches and a black eye. You gave him whatever cold thing you could find for his black eye, and went on to talk about the rumble:)


He just watched, because he was too scared and hasn't been feeling well the whole past week, so you were glad he came back uninjured, but did manage to trip over air inside the house:3


The question is: How can he fight so good, but still comes back with so many scratches, with some of them bleeding? You're asking yourself this every time, when you tried to find two ice packs, one for a black eye, and one for a big bruise on his shoulder. But otherwise, he was still feeling alright, cracking jokes, and thanking you for caring after him:)


As said before, Steve partnered up with Soda, but that backfired for him, too, when he told you that the big guy was able to pick both of them up at the same time, and slam them to the ground. He only sprained his left hand, but since being ambidextrous, he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to repair cars:)


Mr. Winston showed up way later, and without the gang, since he thought he'd be alright, but then came in, basically ,,crawling" (walking in a begging way), and you asked him where he was, and what took him so long. He began explaining, telling that he thought he'd be alright, and went to Buck's, but got to see, that Buck wasn't around, nor any medical supplies behind the bar or anywhere else. So figuring, he made his way back here, hoping you'd help him. You chuckled and pat his head, telling him he's a dumbass, and should never ever again do that. Luckily, he only had a sprained wrist and not any else injuries. He thanked you, and gave you a kiss:)


Fun fact: The term ambidextrous means, being able to do such things as write, use a scissor etc., with both hands. I took this based on Tom Cruise, since I didn't know, which was Steve's / Tom Cruise's dominant hand. Give it a quick search, it's pretty cool to know!:)


Question: Have you ever been involved in a fight?

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