Cooking together

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Darry: It feels, as if you're learning right from a Michelin star chef! You loved cooking together, since he really took the time to show every step to you:)

Sodapop: Uhm, I think...Yeah, Soda won't cook no more, since the green (was it pancakes or eggs?) made Darry give him a small ban from the kitchen:)

Ponyboy: It was quick, since you two just wanted to make some eggs before school, when Two-Bit came running in, picking Pony up and swinging him around. ,,I dRoPpEd My SpEwN!'' :)

Johnny: Yeah, he's a bit scared of the cooker, but when you cooked together a few times, even if it was the same meal over and over again, you had more fun than you thought in the first place:)

Two-Bit: You told him about a recipe of your grandfather, which was called ,,Salbeimüsli'', a favourite appetizer of yours. After you explained, that it involved to dip the sage in a beer batter and deep fry it, he was onto it, and gave it a 10/10 after tasting it:)

Steve: He doesn't cook that often, neither do you, but once when he was hanging out at your place, you two out of the blue decided to cook something up out of things you had at home:)

Dally: Sadly, he denied, but after a bit of seeing you having fun cooking, he still chimed in:)


Salbeimüsli is an appetizer my grandfather, my mom's father, often makes when we're going over for dinner or for a grill:)


Question: Do you like to cook?

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