Going to a museum

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Darry: You got a new job at the local museum, and it was near the house Darry needed to roof that day. After closing time, you and two other co-workers were the last, with you being the one who closes. When you took a last stroll through the museum, to ensure nobody was missing or something got forgotten, you saw Darry at the main entrance, looking inside and waving at you. Opening the door, he walks in and hugs you. ,,Am I right on time?'' ,,You sure are! I'm taking a last stroll, before we close, you can come with, if you want!'' He agreed, and so you went on the stroll. It was a small art museum for national painters, so it wasn't that big, and the stroll didn't take long. But Darry's questions made sure, you spent longer than you actually thought. Turns out, Darry's a big fan of art, and whenever he has the time, he likes to visit art museums. Luckily, you didn't find any person who was left behind, nor any missing purses or wallets:)

Sodapop: You and Soda were bored one day, so you tried to come up with ideas on what to do. At what felt like the 100th idea, you suggested to go to the museum. Soda kinda agreed, so you got your bag, he his wallet and walked off to the museum. It was a history museum, and the first best that came up. There was another one, but it was too far away. And what you and Soda thought would be a drag, did turn out to be quite interesting. None of you were the best in history class, but did pay attention to some things. The whole time you were there, you made bets on who would guess more accurate, with you winning by one point:)

Ponyboy: A report on your favourite era, like the stone age, the middle age etc., was requested by your history teacher. Should be done in pairs, so you and Ponyboy instantly paired up. The same day, you visited the history museum, walked around, and tried to figure out, which era to choose. Both of you are fans of all eras, because of how much information there is. So for the next hour, you've been indulged in a discussion, whilst standing in the department about the middle age, when suddenly, you saw something that sparked your interest. It was a portrait of an elderly lady, who seemed to be queen back then. ,,This. The middle age, but focusing on the reign under this lady.'' Pony took a look at it, and minute after minute, got more interested in her, too. ,,Yeah, we'll take this!'':)

Johnny: Johnny wanted to gift you something for your anniversary, so he got you a voucher for a visit of your favourite museum in the city. You didn't really have a favourite museum, but really wanted to visit the archaeology museum. Johnny came with, and he asked you all sorts of question, and tried to note them down in a notebook he took with, which you gifted him for your anniversary:)

Two-Bit: There was a beer brewing company, which did tours on how their beer is brewed. It was a coincidence that you saw it, but a friend of yours showed you the flyer, which they gave you with. As soon as you got home, you were currently staying at Two-Bit's, and happily showed the flyer to Two-Bit. He asked you, if you'd take him, and you answered: ,,Of course, sweetheart! Or would I show you this flyer to hang it up for decoration?'' So the next day, it was a Saturday, you two drove to the company, got to the front desk to ask for two spots in the next tour. And he LOVED it. The whole time, Two-Bit couldn't stop smiling, and asked so many questions, your head started to burn. In the end, he thanked you for this trip:)

Steve: There's an old timer museum in the next city, and Steve wanted to visit it for a longer time, but didn't wanted to go along, so you thought you'd tag along. Old Timers always fascinate you, but both you and Steve are always fascinated by the first car, which had a motor, which was invented in 1886. Steve wished he could take one of the Old Timers with him, but he was happy you tagged along:)

Dally: He wasn't the biggest person to go to museums, but you wanted to show him the new place you worked at, which was an architecture museum. There was, surprisingly for once, not much going on, and that's when Dally walked in. ,,Oh hey Dal!'' ,,Hey doll. So, that's your new job, huh?'' ,,Yup! You came in at a good time, I can give you a private tour!'' ,,I would love that!'' So you showed him around the main area, and then the back, where the more valuable items were stored. And a back room is always good for what...? Exactly, a make out session! It went on for ten minutes, and thank god nothing broke, but you wished you could've continued. As you walked back to the entrance with Dally, you stepped on your tip toes to whisper something into his ear: ,,I'll come by later, then we can continue, how about that, huh?'' He looked into your eyes, grinning. ,,Can't wait!'' He gave you a quick kiss before he went out:)


Fun fact #1: The first ever known car invented was by a Jesuit missionary Ferdinand Verbiest in 1672, and it was considered more of a small steam powered automobile, than an actual car, with a length of only 2 feet.


Fun fact #2: Not far away from where I live, about two cities away, there's a museum called ,,Pantheon'', which specializes in Old Timers!


Question: Which museum do you love to visit?

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