His reaction to you finding random bruises on him

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Darry: You were walking around town, not really knowing what to do, when you walked by a house Darry was coincidentally roofing on. Jogging up, you call him. ,,Hey! Darry!'', you say. He turned around, giving you a hug. ,,Hey babe! Didn't thought, I'd see you today!'', Darry said, giving you a soft kiss. ,,Ah, I was just talking a walk, you know? Strolling around...What the-'' You were trailing up and down his arm, when you saw a few dark violet  bruises. ,,What happened? Did somebody try to beat you up!?'' Darry was confused, but when you pointed at the bruises, he chuckled nervously. ,,Well...I was moving some stakes, you know? Those long ones? And some of them fell down, and I was quick enough to react, but it still got my arm. It's not bad though...'' ,,At least nothing more bad happened...Well, I'll see ya, I might drop by later. Love you!'' He gives you a kiss, and you made your way to the diner, and Darry went back to work:)

Sodapop: Soda decided to pick you up from school and take you out for dinner as a surprise. He was waiting in the parking lot, leaning against his car, when you walked out of the building. Soda waved at you and called you over, and you ran over to him with a happy smile. Hugging each other, you wanted to give him a kiss on his neck, when you saw hickey-looking-like bruises on it. ,,Soda, what is that!?'' He looked at you, smiling just the second before, now a questioning look on his face. ,,What's what, baby?'' ,,These bruises on your neck is what is. I hope you have a good explanation for it!'' ,,Oh, those...Before I got here, I was at home shortly, and Two-Bit was hanging around. He had some rubber band with him, and he played with it the whole time, when he had the brilliant idea to try and shoot it at me. And I don't know how many times, but every time he tried it, that rubber band hit me. I lost count, but I guess it was enough for that bruise to form...'' He half smiled, and you chuckled. ,,I gotta ask Two-Bit, if he can teach me that. Could be fun to use in class!'' Both of you laugh, then you were looking at each other, lost in each other's eyes. You looked at Soda's neck again, and kissed it slightly under the rubber band bruise. ,,But I can make way better hickey's than a rubber band...'' ,,You sure can...'':)

Ponyboy: ,,Hey Y/N, could you help me shortly?'', Pony yelled from upstairs. You were in the kitchen monitoring the chocolate cake in the oven. ,,Yeah, one second!'', you yelled back, looked at how many minutes on the oven's timer are left, and walk upstairs to Pony's room. Pony was rearranging and packing some books into boxes to make some space for new ones. He was sitting on the floor when you joined. It was a bit of a warm day, so both of you were wearing shorts and a shirt. And that's when you saw bruises on his legs. Three or four big ones, changing to a red-violet tone. ,,Pony, what happened? Why are there bruises on your legs?'' ,,What?'' He looked at you, then saw where you looked at. ,,Oh, didn't even realize they were there...But some bigger books fell down before, and landed on my legs...'' He shrugged and you laughed. ,,Oh well! I'll get you some ice, be right back!'' ,,Thank you!'':)

Johnny: It's sad to say, but you were used to seeing him bruised up, but this time, it actually was a funny reason. You were hanging out with Johnny, walking down the main street. The both of you were so deep on conversation, that none of you realized Johnny being in the exact lane to walk into a wall. And you only realized it after, that there even was a wall. Helping him up, you tried to contain your laughter. But eventually you, even Johnny, busted out laughing. ,,I'm so sorry, Johnny'', you said, ,,I'm so sorry for not looking and laughing!'' After a minute or two, you two stopped laughing. ,,The diner isn't that far away, lets get you some ice!'' ,,Yeah, thank you!'':)

Two-Bit: Tripping is the most normal thing, right? Well, not for Two-Bit! He is a master at tripping over air and anything, that's laying around, and ends up having so many bruises, you've lost count. One day though, you made your way over to his house, Two-Bit was sitting in one of the chairs on the porch, and from far away, it seemed, as if there was a...cast? Was it a cast? On his arm? You couldn't make out much, but as the nearer you got, the more you could make out, what it was. Turns out: It really is a cast! ,,Hey Two-Bit! What happened? Why do you have a cast on your arm?" He noticed you, stood up and gave you, as best as he could, a hug. ,,Well, that thing...I basically tripped over air or something, and when I tried to catch myself, my arm hit on a pretty big and sharp stone. And the way I fell was enough for me to break my arm, so yeah...I'm stuck with it for at least 6 months or so..." You couldn't help but laugh a little. It always surprised you, how the little things he does on a daily, can lead to such big happenings. ,,Oh Two-Bit, how do you manage to always end up like this?", you rhetorically asked him. He chimed in with laughing, and you two hung out for the rest of the afternoon:)

Steve: ,,Hear me out, so, what happened was way worse than the aftermath!" You turned up to the DX just minutes ago, to get your car filled up, and say hi to Steve, your boyfriend. As Soda was done filling your gas tank, you both walked in, so you could pay. And that's when you saw Steve. There was so much grease on his face, and his arms were full of cuts and bruises. ,,Damn Steve, is that car so bad?" ,,What does it look like, Soda, huh? What does it look like?" Oh, he was mad. ,,Hey Steve! Let me guess...", you started, but Steve was faster. ,,Hear me out, so what happened was way worse than the aftermath!" You lifted both your eyebrows in surprise, same as Soda, and the both of you listened to his story. ,,So, I'm working on this car, right? A bit of an older one, a 30s model. They sometimes can be hard to look at and repair, but I had some tricks up my sleeve. The owner said, that there was something wrong with the engine and a few of the fuses, so I looked at the fuses first, since they don't take much time. After that, I took a closer look at the engine, when I saw the problem: There was oil dripping out and somehow into the engine. I tried to clean some of it what spilled out, and when I opened the oil box, it just exploded everywhere! My hand slipped, and it fell down between the engine and some other parts, and trying to get it out, that's where I got the cuts and bruises!" He let out a deep breath, and you and Soda still looked at him in surprise. ,,Bad day for you, huh?", you said, tilting your head to the side. ,,I guess..." ,,You know what? Why don't we go watch a film later, hm? Just you and me!", you pointed at Steve and then yourself. ,,I'd love to!" ,,Alright, I'll pick you up at 7, see ya!" You walked out, and all of you waved after each other. ,,What a day", Steve said, and went back to try and fix the car:)

Dally: ,,Gimme a second, I gotta take my shirt off...'', Dally said, standing up. You stayed over for the night, you had a date with him that night, and right now, you were in his bed, cuddling. ,,Can't you do that later?'', you groaned, letting him out of your arms. ,,It's just a second, darling!'', he laughed at your response, and as he took off his shirt, his back was turned to you, you could see a big bruise on his lower back, violet-reddish coloured. You waited, until he crawled back in. He put his arms around you, keeping you close. ,,Dal, can I ask you something?'' ,,Sure...What's up, doll?'' ,,Why is there a big ass bruise on your back? Did you fall down the stairs or what?'' He smirked and chuckled. ,,Guessed right! I did fall down the stairs...Yesterday, though. I guess I took an extra step, but yeah...Honestly, I think, that stair has something against me, 'cause this is the third time this month!'' ,,I guess, you just gotta look down, the next time you're walking down that stair.'' You gave him a kiss, and Dally just nodded, and started to plot on how to take revenge on that stair:)


Question: What was one of the most random bruises you've got / ever found?

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