Staying over / Sleepover

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Darry: You and Darry met when you needed to get your roof fixed. You lived in the next city, and one of your friends recommended the service. It went good, you two got along, and so he invited you out on a date. You and him were walking out of the restaurant to your car. You looked a bit around, but it was too dark and somehow got foggy, and you couldn't see further than five meters. You were shivering, too, and turned to Darry. ,,Should I still drive? I mean, I've got fog headlights, but I'm not sure...'' You sigh, and Darry waits a few seconds before he answers. ,,I normally don't do this, just because it rushes the other person, but...How about you sleep over at my house? You can leave your car here, it's like a five minute walk from here, 'cause I don't want you to have an accident or get lost or anything.'' He took you into a hug, so that you could warm up. Looking up at him, you gave your answer. ,,That would be nice. Plus it's the weekend, so I don't have to stress about work. Thanks for the offer, I accept it.'' He smiled, and you got your bag and one or two other things you'd need out of your car, locked it, and made your way to his house. As you got there, he let you in first, and you were greeted by a boy, who gives off movie star vibes, laying on the couch asleep. Darry walks past you, taking his shoes off, and you do the same. ,,That's Sodapop'', he whispered to you, hopefully not waking up Soda, ,,and he's my younger brother. And there's also Ponyboy, his my younger brother, too. He must be asleep in their room, I'll check later.'' You nod and smile, Darry takes your hand, and you follow him up to his room. It was not much in it, just necessities, but it still gave you a calm and welcoming feeling. It already did when you walked into the house. ,,You can take my bed, I'll take the bed in the guest room.'' You tilted your head to the side, looking at him with a questioning look. ,,I would welcome it, if you'd stay in the same bed as me, even though your offer is meant nice.'' Darry smiled at you, and gave you a bit time to yourself to change, after he gave you a pair of sweatpants and a shirt of his. Later on, when you were laying in bed, you and him continue to talk about minor things, like how old his brothers are, if they're in school etc. You fell asleep around an hour later, with one of Darry's arms under you, and the other around your shoulder, holding you tight:)

Sodapop: You've been dating for a few weeks, and it's going really good. Working at the DX together was a delight to both of you, and you've got to hang out everyday, without your parents needing to be worried about you coming home a bit later. But today was a little bit else. You were filling up coins in the cash register, when Soda walked back inside from helping Steve out with a car. ,,Hey babe, can I ask you something?'' You look up and nod, and he put his hands on yours. ,,What would you think about having a sleepover at my house? I know you like those!'' He winked at you, and you chuckled. You thought about, when it'll happen, that you can spend a night with Soda, and not just a few hours. ,,I'd love to! I'll just tell my parents, one of my friends has a sleepover, so that they don't suspect anything.'' He gave you a kiss on your cheek, and both of you went back to work. Later as you got home and packed your things, your mom walked into your room. ,,Hey, Y/N, is it Becky's house you're going to stay at?'' ,,Yeah. I'll be home at 12 PM latest. Imma go now. See ya!'' Your mom hugged you, and you went to walk over to Soda's house. He was already impatiently waiting, and embraced you in a big hug and kiss, when you walked in. ,,Hey Y/N, glad you're here! You hungry?'' You nodded, and made yourself comfortable, when you realized, that it was only you and Soda. ,,Hey, sorry to ask, Soda, but where's Pony and Darry?'' ,,Oh, I told them that you're coming over, and they both went out to go watch some films at the cinema. And yeah...So we got the house to least the whole evening.'' You just nodded, but then smiled, went up behind Soda, who took plates out of the cabinets, and hugged him from behind. ,,I'm happy we're going to have a sleepover. Can't wait for the endless cuddles and kisses. I love you, Soda.'' You more or less mumbled the last two sentences, but received a laugh from Soda, and an ,,I love you, too, Y/N'' as an answer back. About two hours later after dinner, you and Soda were laying on the couch, Soda on his back, with you on him, and his arms around you, watching whatever came on TV. You went through his hair, and his hand went up and down your back. Soda looked at you with his lovely blue eyes, smiling slightly. He put a finger under your chin, and pulled your face closer, giving you little pecks on your lips. It made you smile, and you kissed him, and for the next few minutes, you were making out with each other, hands trailing over each other's body. When Soda pulled away, both of you were blushing, ears reddened and out of breath. ,,Wow...Just...Wow'', Soda said, biting his lip. You chuckled, and for the rest of the night, you two were laying on the couch, making out until you fell asleep:)

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