His reaction to you being sassy

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Darry: Won't let you have it. Will be mad at you for a bit, since on one hand, he's not used to you being sassy, and on the other hand, it hurt him a bit

Sodapop: Will chime in, so that a ,,Who's better at sassiness?'' war will start, which lasted a few hours

Ponyboy: ,,Will you teach me?''

Johnny: ,,Uhm, Y/N...Did I hurt you?'' Poor boy takes the message the whole other way around, which has him confused for a few days

Two-Bit: ,,HUH?'' Just goes along with his day

Steve: Secretly is the sass king, and will shoot the sassiest remark back

Dally: Is proud of you, and made a remark of how he wished, you'd speak like that more often


Question: What was the best moment someone used sassiness, which you witnessed?

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