Going to the library

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- He's not really a book person, so it took you a bit to convince him to come with

- Mainly because you've mentioned to him, how many books you've wanted to check out, and he doesn't wants you to be in pain when carrying those books back home

- Funny enough, Darry was at the library earlier than you, with you arriving five minutes later

- Since the library was quite big, and none of you paid attention, each of you got lost in one of the many sections, with you upstairs, and Darry downstairs

- You looked for the books you've wanted, and Darry...Dear boy got lost

- I'm saying lost as in getting lost in a maze, and he could, for the love of god, not understand which aisle he was in, and tried to look for you

- You were too busy checking off a list, sitting in between an aisle

- After what felt like hours, Darry finally found you, picked you up and gave you a hug, telling you, that he couldn't find you, but is happy that's you're alright

- It confused you, but then you knew what you needed to show him: The guideposts to the different sections

- Taking his hand, you walked with him to the nearest guidepost, and explained, that at every aisle, there's one

- He felt a bit embarrassed, but said, he'd now be ready for the next time you're gonna come back:)


- Soda needed to have a manual on something, but you forgot what it was again

- So he took you (not you, HE) to the library on your break, his was at the same time

- It was a surprise to you, since books weren't really Soda's top priority (he still likes to read a book every now and then)

- Turns out, Soda actually already had the manual, but he wanted to give you a surprise date^^

- So the whole break through, the both of you spent time in the library, with Soda listening to you talking about your favourite books and book recommendations

- It was better than ever:)


- So, this was a bit unfortunate

- You and Pony somehow got detention, just to later found out, it were actually two other people who've done whatever

- Your punishment was to sort in and sort out books in the library, and you just told him, that'll be a piece of cake

- But the sad part: You two were separated, and if you tried to interact with each other, talking etc., you'd just end up with more detention

- But since you and Pony are geniuses, as you were in the library, you've made up a plan on the spot, so that you could still talk and steal kisses from each other;)

- The librarian always nearly caught you, but you and him were faster^^

- Detention went by way faster than you expected, and honestly, it was funnier than ever:)


- Since the first time Ponyboy read ,,Gone with the Wind" to him, he was eager to read it through

- At first, he was so ambitious, but after the first few pages, and hours of reading, it became more and more difficult for him

- So he decided to call you, and ask, if you could help him

- With not much to do, you've agreed, and met up at the library

- The next hours, you read it to Johnny, since you knew he loves listening to your voice:)


- Honestly I think, he secretly is a book nerd like Pony, but doesn't want to show it

- So one day, you went over to his house to hang out

- Walking up to his room, you opened the door slightly, and saw him laying on his side, facing away from you

- You thought he was sleeping, so you opened the door more little by little, and sneaked in

- Just as you were about to scare him, Steve turned around, and pulled you onto the bed

- ,,Well, hello there, doll"

- You smiled at him and said ,,Hey" back and gave him a kiss

- ,,Clive King: Stig of the Dump" , you said out loud, reading the title of the book

- You remembered it was your copy, but gave it to Steve, 'cause you were done reading it

- Cuddling up on Steve's chest, he asked you, if you wanted to go to the library

- ,,Can we go later? I'm too comfy right now!"

- He agreed, and the next few hours, you spent reading Stig of the Dump with Steve

- Later on at the library, you went on a search for for more Clive King books:)


- Two-Bit went to the library, to try and find a book on how to brew your own beer

- And since you worked part time at the library, he decided to surprise you with some of your favourite flowers and your favourite snacks

- It was sweet of him, since you've been sorting in new and older books, which were pretty heavy

- But he offered to help, but before, tried to hide the can of beer he's had in his hand

- You gave him a warning jokingly, laughing, and he helped the next hour with sorting in books:)


- You and Dally were hanging out, walking around, messing with people

- When it seemed like, a storm coming in

- Clouds getting darker, wind picking up, slight rain

- You told Dally about it, but he shrugged it off, so you kept walking around

- And then the storm hit

- Rain pouring down so fast, you were drenched in seconds

- Trying to find shelter, Dally pulled you with him, and you realized, that it was the library

- Must have been the nearest building, you thought to yourself

- You saw a few chairs, in a bit of a more secluded area in the back of the library

- Taking Dally's hand, you now pulled him back there with you

- The whole time, none of you has said a word, but you didn't need to talk a lot

- Sitting on a bench next to each other, you looked out the window, and it seemed like, it won't stop until the next hour or so

- Sooo, you took the nearest book, some really cheesy romance novel, sat back next to Dally, and read

- The sweetheart he can be, he read along, and keeping you warm:)


Question: How often do you visit a library?

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