Your first kiss

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Darry: It was more quick than you imagined. You and Darry were dating for about three weeks now, but a kiss...Was basically inexistent. Until that one morning. You stayed over the night, 'cause you fell asleep watching films with him the night before. Darry was getting ready for work, but before he went out the house, Soda and Steve were already waiting outside, he gave you a hug. But backing away and one step to the door, he turned back around to you, and gave you a quick kiss. It was...Beautiful. That's the first thing that came to your mind. Darry pulled away, and you smiled at each other, gave one final hug, and off he was to work:)

Sodapop: You picked Soda up from work, and were waiting in front of the DX, talking to Steve, when some Socs drove up to the side of the road, catcalling you. You just rolled your eyes at them, flipping them off, and telling them to fuck off. Of course they wouldn't stop, but just as one Soc walked up to you, Soda walked out, grabbed you by your waist, and just pressed his lips on yours. What felt like a good five minutes, was just a few seconds, until the Socs were gone. He pulled away and looked at you. ,,I love you.'' ,,I love you, too.'' And from that day on, you dated each other:)

Ponyboy: You were searching through your locker for your notebook, when Pony walked up behind you. ,,Hey Y/N!'' You turn around. ,,Oh hey Pony! Hey, would you be so nice and could take a look through my locker? I'm searching for my notebook, but it somehow doesn't wanna be found...'' ,,I'll have a look at it...'' After a few minutes, Pony found your notebook. ,,There you go!'' You thanked him, but before you wanted to walk to your next class, you thought of giving him a kiss on his cheek. But Pony turned his face, so that your lips landed on his. None of you moved for two seconds, until you awkwardly pulled away. You tilted your head, and looked at him with a questioning look. Pony took a deep breath, as if he was about to confess something, but leaned forward, and kissed you. This went on until the bell rang. Both of you pulled away, and grinned at each other. ,,I'll see you after school?'' ,,Sure thing!'' :)

Johnny: It was a coincidence that you two saw each other that day. You were on your way back from the shops, when you saw Johnny sitting around the vacant lot, and walked over. ,,Hey Johnnycakes, mind me joining you?'' ,,Oh, hey Y/N! Nah, have a seat...'' You sat down and talked about your day, when you somehow got onto the topic of relationships and first kisses. You knew Johnny for so long, so you thought, you'd ask him about his first kiss. ,,Hey, Johnnycakes, a question...'' ,,Yeah?'' ,,When did you have your first kiss?'' He went quiet, and for the next few minutes, you both sat in silence. You thought you hurt him, but then he spoke up. ,,I actually...Never had my first kiss...How about you...?'' ,,Neither did I...'' It wasn't something you were proud of, and your friends loved teasing you about it. But on the other hand, it didn't bother you. Johnny looked at you, mouth slightly open, you thought he was about to say something, but the both of you leaned in, and a first kiss it was. It was a bit weird, since both of you didn't know, how it really worked, but it's the will that counts:)

Two-Bit: You were hanging out with him at the Curtis' house, it was only the two of you, when you turned to the other side on the sofa, your back facing the TV, trying to get some sleep. You've had a bad night, and school wasn't good either, so you hoped a nap could help. Two-Bit wasn't too loud luckily, but falling asleep was still hard. Until Two-Bit came over. He poked your side a few times, and even though you didn't wanted to, you turned around and looked at him. ,,What?'' ,,Can I lay down? You can lay on top of me if you want, I'd appreciate some cuddles!'' You couldn't say no to that offer, so you stood up, let him lay down, and laid back on top of him. And who knew, that that would help you fall asleep quicker? After twenty minute nap you woke up, looked at Two-Bit, and the first thing he does is...Give you a kiss? Weird, but you kissed him back, and laid your hand back down on his chest. ,,You're cute, Y/N, you're really cute!'' :)

Steve: Steve needed to test drive some car of someone, when he asked if you wanted to come along. It happened to be your favourite car, and you agreed on an instant. He called, so as soon as the call was over, you walked over to his house, and saw him already sitting in the car. You got in, and through the whole drive, none of you could stop talking about the car exterior and interior. When you got back, you just sat in it a bit, in silence, smiling to yourself, until Steve leaned over to you, a finger under your chin, turning your head to him, and kissing you softly. It took you aback, but you went with it, and it was the perfect mix of soft and passionate:)

Dally: I think it's every girl's dream to get kissed by Dallas Winston, 'cause...Come on, who could resist such a hottie!? It would've been easy for you to sneak a kiss, since you knew him for so long, but you never had the courage to do it. You were meeting up with him at Buck's, and as you waited in front of it, you thought about doing it. You knew he wouldn't mind, he told you that clearly a few years ago, but you still weren't sure. Dally got out of Buck's, and spun you around when he saw you. The split second of you landing back on the ground and him looking in your eyes was so short, you didn't even realize until a second after, that he started to kiss you. You went with his movements, and for at least a minute, it was the best feeling you've ever had:)

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