Filmnight with the gang

557 6 17

(The whole gang is present, but to each their own personal preference)


- Brings all the snacks

- Tries to keep the gang away from watching any 18+ movies

- Needs to bake another cake mid-movie, because Steve, Soda and Two-Bit already finished the first one

- Is happy he can spend the time baking with you, laughing around and stealing hugs and kisses from eachother:)


- Ate A THIRD of the cake, because apparently, the movie scared him too much (it was a Disney movie-)

- Cuddled up to you the whole time, 'cause he was whining about being cold

- You got to wear his DX hat

- Him just being a sweet cinnamon roll, who can't stop giving kisses:)


- Boyo was reading the whole time through

- He wanted to watch Gone with the Wind, but it was 7-1 (he lost)

- So to not leave Pony out of it, you sneaked out with him, and ran over to your house

- You owned a copy of Gone with the Wind, so you put that into the TV and made some popcorn

- The next hours, you and Pony spent cuddling, while trying to recite as many quotes as possible:)


- It was so cute to you seeing him so investigated in the movie

- Helps Darry to bake the second cake

- Wants you to join in singing, if various songs come on:)


- Ate THE SECOND THIRD of the chocolate cake

- He lost count of how many beers he's had

- Just turned into a drunk cuddlebug, who sounded like Elvis when singing along to the songs in the movie:)


- Ate THE LAST THIRD of the cake

- And regretted it right after

- Stomach pains all the time, but not even tea helped

- So you decided to go on a walk with him

- After some time, you were sitting on the swings at the park, being little lovebirds:)


- He didn't show up on time

- He was too busy buying cigarettes xD

- And some gifts for you

- (Did I say buy? I meant steal:))

- He gifted you a necklace with the letter ,,D", since he knew you loved those

- He was happy how good Johnny felt the whole evening

- Couldn't stop smiling, when you fell asleep on him, your head on his chest:))


Question: What's your favourite thing to have at a film night, aka, what's something that shouldn't be forgotten?

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