Chapter 13: Visions

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*Keylee's pov*

'Keylee... can you hear me? You need to open your eyes. Open your eyes Keylee. If you wanna safe Lydia you have to get up.'

I quickly sit up. Gasping, welcoming the air back in my lungs. What happened? Where am I? 

I slowly look around to observe my surroundings. My vision is once again green. I'm somewhere... I don't recognize it, it reminds me of some sort of laboratory. 

In the middle of the room lies Lydia. Stripped to a chair. It's almost like my drawing with the only difference that this is a chair and in my drawing was a bed and this time she has something on the sides of her head. It's like the device a doctor uses to listen to your heart beat only now it's on both sides of her head. It's really weird.


Lydia slowly turns her head to me. 'K-Keylee?'

Oh my god, she can hear me?

'Keylee, I assume you see Lydia, as far as I know, the screams in her head are too loud. If she screams, a lot of bad things could happen. Try to comfort her.' Deucalion's voice echoes through my head. Oh yeah, he just dug his claws in me. 

Still, he doesn't have to say that a second time. I quickly rush to Lydia and untie her. 'Lydia, are you alright?' Stupid question. She has a hole in her head on the bridge of death. Of course she isn't all right!

'The voices... They are too loud. I can't do it.'

It's like I hear another muffled voice. I can't make out what he's saying but Lydia doesn't seem calmer by it.

'Hey, hey Lydia. Lydia look at me.' She slightly turns her head. It seems like she's in a lot of pain.

'Lydia, it's gonna be alright.' I place my hand on hers. Trying to take her pain away. It feels like my head is gonna split. Like I spend too much time in the cafeteria on school and now my ears are overwhelmed.

Is this what Lydia feels every time or just now?

Anyway, she seems to calm down a little. 'The beast.'

The beast, the beast Theo is looking for? Once again I hear the muffled voice. Lydia seems to hear it better and I assume the source of the voice is with her.

'Demnatio memoriae.'

The muffled voice is saying things again until the lights in the room start to flicker and the pain in my head becomes to much to handle. I let go of Lydia and stumble back. Lydia is gritting her teeth. Then she flies up and screams.

I quickly cover my ears and close my eyes in a reflex. When everything calms down a bit Lydia seems focused on something else.

'You came back.'

I don't see anyone, again, but I hear the muffled voice of... Stiles? That can't be right? It's really Stiles' nervous voice and not Void's. Maybe he's acting. I'll ask him later, right now, Lydia is my priority.

'You can't. It's too dangerous.'

Suddenly the world starts to spin and then I'm in some sort of tunnel. I hear Lydia asking for a plan. Then I see her. She falls down to her knees with her hands over her ears.

'I can't hold it. Stiles, run!'

She screams again, only know it's muffled by fire. It's like something is literally burning through my vision. Like I was staring at a picture and now it's getting burned.

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