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We finished our food that we had ordered after seeing Charles again, continuing to people watch as the sun passed through the sky. After a glass of wine and a couple of cocktails, we paid the bill and made our way back to the apartment, strolling through the streets and taking in our surroundings.

"So what's happening with this Charles boy then?" Emma questioned me

"What do you mean 'what's happening?'? You've witnessed the two interactions we've had together and he doesn't even know my name!" I laughed "I'm tooth girl in his eyes, it's hardly romantic" I continued and Em laughed

"I get the impression that he likes you" Emma nudged my side

"Is that what you got from the few sentences that we exchanged?"

"Yes! You can't hide the spark that was there in those moments" she exclaimed loudly as she twirled down the street towards our apartment, causing me to chase after her in an effort to quieten her

"We have neighbours, you idiot, get inside!" I laughed pushing her through the now open apartment door

We had been sat down by the restaurant for so long, it was now half past six in the evening. I changed into gym leggings and a tshirt before deciding to FaceTime my parents to update them fully on our first two days in Monaco. After three hours of chatting and a teary goodbye with my mum I called it an early night to let my body have the well deserved rest it needed.

- -

The next day arrived, sun still beaming through the window as I checked my phone. My weather app showed it was to be 23 degrees and sunny all day, the perfect day for sunbathing.

I skipped through to Emma's room where she was stilling sleeping with Netflix open on her laptop. I closed her laptop and shook her awake.

"Come on, get up, we're going sunbathing" I tried to pry her out of her bed

"It's too early" she groaned

"We need Vitamin D, need to make the most of it whilst we're not in Scotland" my persuading finally raised her from her slumber

"Okay shower and shave time" she mumbled lifting herself off the side of the bed

"That's my girl" I cheered

30 minutes later we were ready and had packed a bag with our essentials for the day.


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We strolled down to the port hoping that there would still be some free deckchairs by the time we arrived. Luckily there were still a few empty chairs grouped together right on the edge of the docking areas. We settled ourselves into the chairs and let the sun warm our skin feeling incredibly lucky to have this almost right on our doorstep. Emma soon left to buy herself a coffee to wake herself up, as apparently I interrupted her sleep during her 'REM cycle', and I asked if she could get me a bottle of water as well. 

I placed my sunglasses over my eyes in the hope that no one would speak to me whilst Emma was gone, I wasn't in the mood for entertaining anyone. The few moments of peace were soon interrupted by a male French accent.

"Oh my god I can't believe it. Wine girl! Sorry tooth girl you prefer" my eyes snapped open and I lifted my sunglasses to find Charles standing at the docking area of the yacht directly in front of me

"This could be classed as stalking you know" I laughed as he came to sit in the empty seat next to mine "Is this something you do frequently?" I asked

"Only for the pretty girls" he grinned as I rolled my eyes but I couldn't stop the heat flushing my cheeks at his comment 

"I was only gone 5 minutes and already someone's nicked my chair" Emma's voice broke us away from the intense eye contact "Oh Charles, I didn't realise it was you" she declared as she tried to hide her smile

"So ladies what were your plans for today?" Charles asked

"Just this" I replied as I motioned to the two deck chairs we were occupying

"How about joining my friends and I on the yacht for a boat trip?" 

"Oh. Well we were -" I started before Em interrupted again "Yes we'd love to" she exclaimed excitedly

She quickly gathered up our belongings into the bag and skipped down the steps following Charles towards the yacht

"Après vous" he gestured to the passerelle for me to board

"Merci monsieur" I replied as he smiled back at me

Christ I don't know if it's him or the boat that's making my stomach do backflips but if I had to bet, I would put my money on him.

Emma had already made her way on to the boat and introduced herself to almost everyone, Charles' friends, the staff and the guests on the next boat. Charles guided me through to where his friends had gathered on the deck  however all I could focus on was his hand on the small of my back, sending shockwaves through my body.

"So these are my friends Pierre and Alex and my younger brother Arthur" he introduced everyone to me "and this is..." he turned to me

"I never actually got your name" he laughed

"It's Jennifer, but you can call me Jen" I smiled towards his friends

I then felt Charles rest his hands on my hips before whispering in my ear "I like Jen, much better than Wine Girl" he then brushed past leaving me frozen on the spot

Boy did he know what he was doing...

~ Author's note ~

And now we've been properly introduced, names and all.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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