Doctor's Orders

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The first part of this chapter is smutty so if that's not your thing just skip further down 😘

Charles pressed himself against me as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming all over before settling on the knot in my robe, quickly working to free me from the cotton confines. He left a trail of kisses down my neck before focusing on the delicate skin above my collar bone, his tongue soothing the burst capillaries where he had left his mark.

"Before you get too excited, go get the condoms" I stopped Charles
"Really?" He asked with puppy dog eyes
"Yes really, we're not celebrating no baby by making one" I laughed, lightly shoving him off of me

I hung my robe on the hook on the door and switched the shower on, waiting for it to heat up when Charles returned, the foil package in his hand glinting in the light. He quickly shed his robe and pulled me into the shower with him.

"As much as I like this bikini, it has to go" he smirked, pinging the strap that rested on my shoulder
"If you say so" I smiled up at him as he leaned in for another kiss

My hands snaked around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me as his hands found the clasp of my bikini, quickly unhooking it and pulling it off of me. His lips left mine and moved down my neck as his hands gripped at my sides.

"God, I've missed you" he mumbled into my neck and all I could do was let out a soft moan causing him to chuckle against my skin

My hands felt down his chest and toyed with the waistband of his shorts. I grabbed the condom off of the shelf and knelt down, sliding his shorts down whilst doing so. I kept my eyes locked with his as my tongue zigzagged up his shaft and my mouth took in as much of him as I could handle. Pride filled me watching his reaction as I moved up and down his length, taking in more with every stroke. After a few more moans left Charles lips, I released him, tore open the foil packet with my teeth and rolled the sheathing down his length. I stood back up to my full height, wriggling my bikini bottoms down my legs and kicking them over to join the pile of our discarded swimwear.

"Jump" Charles growled in my ear and I automatically complied with his demand, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist

He gently lowered me down on to his full length, resting for a couple of seconds to get comfortable before he started to thrust inside me. Each sharp blow eliciting a moan from me as he filled me completely.

"Fuck" I breathed out, pulling myself towards him, desperately needing to taste him again

I let out a gasp and arched my back away from the cold wall as Charles held me against it, goosebumps forming all over my body. Charles' attention was drawn to my now erect nipples, taking one in his mouth, his tongue flicking and circling as my nails dug into his back.

My legs tightened around his waist and my fingers gripped his shoulders as we were both nearing climax.

"I love you Charles" I murmured into our kiss as he continued to slam into me
"I love you" he responded breathily and with that we both let go as our highs took over, Charles groaning into the crook of my neck as I let moans escape my lips

After a few minutes recovering, Charles gently put me back down, having to catch me as my knees buckled slightly, clearly still coming down from my high.

I wrapped myself in a towel and handed the other over to Charles who was disposing of the condom in the bin

"Housekeeping are going to have a field day with our bin tomorrow, 2 pregnancy tests and a used condom" I laughed
"Sounds like a fun night to me" Charles laughed as well, pressing his lips to my temple

I got changed into my pyjamas as Charles looked through the room service menu, picking what to have for dinner and I took my place next to him on the bed

"What are you wearing?" He laughed
"What?" I followed his gaze down to my pyjama top "I ran out of normal pyjamas so I had to bring some of my Christmas ones" I frowned at him
"Christmas pyjamas with cats on them?" He asked, trying to hold back from laughing again
"Yeah it says 'Meowy and Bright' like snowy and bright but with cats" I explained to him seriously before he pulled me in to his side
"Pick what you want for dinner" he passed me over the menu "and tell me your comfort film"
"Well not now because you'll laugh at me again" I sulked
"It's not a Christmas film" he shook his head and I nodded "What one?" He laughed
"The grinch" I smiled back at him
"You're lucky that's my favourite Christmas film as well"

He picked up the TV remote and started flicking through the film options and much to his surprise the grinch was on there so he was stuck watching a Christmas film in the middle of July.

Charles ordered room service, along with hot chocolate to have whilst watching the film, receiving odd looks whilst collecting them at the door.

"The things I do for you" he shook his head as he handed me over the mug
"Doctor's orders Charles, I need to be as stress free as possible" I smirked back at him, knowing I would be absolutely milking this for the foreseeable future

We quickly ate our dinner whilst watching an episode of Friends in French which took a lot of brain power for me to try to understand even though I'd watched every episode about twenty times. Charles cleared the plates away from the bed and topped off my hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows. The restaurant had basically sent up a full hot chocolate sundae bar but I wasn't complaining.

He begrudgingly started playing the film on the TV and wrapped his arm around me so I could nestle in closer to him. I was in my happy place again, right by Charles' side and I definitely wasn't leaving any time soon.

By the end of the film Charles was really in to the idea of Christmas in July and I had to convince him that one film was enough to see us through this month before he attempted to get us to watch Love Actually.

I collected both of our mugs and placed them on my bedside table as Charles switched the TV off and cuddled in to my back

"I love you Jen Walker" he whispered as he kissed my shoulder
"I love you Charles Leclerc"

~ Author's note ~

Just a bit of a filler chapter to get us back on track 😊

Hope you're enjoying xx

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