More Boat Trips and More Making Friends

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This chapter is a little bit smutty so if that's not your thing just skip to the next one 😘

Emma and I spent our Thursday in clinical skills practicing our techniques, having lunch with Julietta and her friends, trying to avoid more questions about Charles and I, then back to clinical skills in the afternoon.

We got home and carried out our usual shower, exfoliate, shave, moisturise routine before having the extra spaghetti bolognaise we had made for dinner last night. Our lectures were scheduled for 9-11 tomorrow morning so we planned to meet everyone at the marina at half past 11.

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I woke up at half 8 the next morning, managing to have a slight lie in before having a shower, grabbing something to eat and logging in to my lecture. I actually tried to focus on these lectures and take notes since Monday's had been a write off with the hangover and the drama. They were soon finished and I got changed into my bikini, shorts and a shirt to cover up then text Charles

That's us just finished up and about to leave x

Great, we've just arrived so we'll have everything set up, ready to go when you get here x

Emma and I packed a small bag and locked up the apartment to walk down to the yacht. We took our time strolling when we were met by a crowd of paparazzi and fans swarming the boat we were due to board. Charles, Max, Lando and Pierre had gathered to meet the fans whilst they waited for us to arrive, spotting us at the back of the crowd and waving us down to come on the boat. Everyone had turned to look at us as the boys did this and I wanted the ground the swallow me whole. We worked our way through the crowd, keeping my eyes focused on the floor, trying to ignore the whispers of my name from the girls around me, finally reaching the steps and seeing Charles' hand outreached to help me onboard.

Emma and I quickly headed to the front of the boat, away from the crowd as the boys said goodbye to the fans and followed behind us. Lando introduced us to his girlfriend Luisa who greeted us with a hug each and Pierre had invited a new friend Rachel so he wasn't 'a 7th wheel' - his own words - who we greeted as well. I gave Charles a quick peck on the cheek, still aware of the hoards of girls still lingering on the dock, trying to get a picture of Charles.

The yacht soon left the dock and we were all able to relax a bit more just being in each other's company and away from the cameras.

"Oh I almost forgot, we brought you a gift since our last visit was a bit impromptu" I searched about in my bag and pulled out a bottle of tequila
"This is why you are my favourites" Max pulled Emma and I into a hug, taking the bottle and leaving to find shot glasses

We took a seat next to Luisa and Rachel and had some small talk about what we all did, how we met the boys and got each other's Instagram accounts. Max then returned with a tray full of shots and the four of us groaned

"Why are you moaning? This is all your fault" Luisa joked with Emma and I causing us all to laugh

The eight of us took our shots, Pierre and Lando introducing Rachel and Luisa to our new tradition and we all split off into our smaller groups as Charles and Lando came to join Luisa and I

"Do you want to go on the jet skis?" Lando asked our group and we all agreed

Lando and Luisa made their way to the jet skis as I took my shirt and shorts off, leaving me in just my bikini
"I like this one" Charles smirked, standing up so he was looking down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist
"What? This old thing?" I joked readjusting my top, watching his eyes flicker down to my chest, before resting my arms on his shoulders

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