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I took a deep breath, preparing myself for my decision.

"Charles, I..." I started

I finally locked eyes with him, the first time since leaving the club in Austria and it had felt like a lifetime. My stomach lurched upon seeing his sad, tired eyes and I had to swallow down the lump forming in my throat to allow me to continue.

"Charles" I began again "I've been an idiot" my confession slipped out and I watched his tense brow relax "I've been so unhappy without you, I shouldn't have ever left. I've learned the hard way, one too many times now, that running away from my problems and pushing aside my feelings isn't helping anyone in this situation. I turned my back on us when we both needed each other and I shouldn't have done that, I was wrong. Pascale sat me down and gave me some motherly advice that I have been severely lacking lately" I laughed "and she told me to be selfish. So I thought about what makes me happy? What makes me want to get up in the morning? What makes me want to be a better person?"

I fiddled with the tag of my teabag nervously as I rambled on with my speech

"I thought about it all and I reached the conclusion that the thing that makes me want to be and do all of those things is you, Charles. You make me the happiest I've ever been. After my last relationship, I found it incredibly difficult to let anyone in but you came in with a bloody sledgehammer and I couldn't keep you out" I smiled as I could see one forming on his face as well "I don't want to ever be without you and I've been so stupid for not realising that until now"

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I finished talking, trying to figure out Charles' expression as he continued to sit in silence

"I think we should go somewhere more private to continue this conversation" he muttered so quietly I almost missed it

My heart plummeted even further in my chest at his reaction to my outpouring, I couldn't read him at all. I followed him as he stood from his chair and walked towards his driver's room within the motorhome. I sat down next to Charles on the red cushioned bench, hugging my cup of tea close to my chest for comfort.

Yet more uncomfortable silence ensued as Charles paced up and down the small area of floor in the room. My stomach gurgled as the nerves increased, waiting for Charles to say something and I rushed into his bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

"Jen are you okay?" He asked concerned
"Uh no, not really" I coughed
"Can I get you anything?"
"Water would be great, please" I shouted back through the door over the flush of the toilet and I washed my hands

I returned back to the room and Charles handed me the bottle of water I had requested and smiled at me sympathetically, resting his hand on my back as electricity ran through my body.

"Do you need to see a doctor? I can get one just now, it's not a problem" he rushed his words
"No I'm fine, I'll go to the pharmacy later and get some anti sickness meds" I reassured
"I can take you just now, I wouldn't want you to wait if you're not feeling well" the worry in his voice was evident
"It's fine Charles, don't worry, I'm sure I'll be able to hold off"
"I'm not taking no for an answer, you're not well. Let's go Jen" he picked up my bag from the bench and ushered me out of the room

He led me to his Ferrari as I ran my finger over the matte black design which made my heart skip a beat whenever I saw it, thinking of our first trip to the beach together. I sat in the passenger seat and looked over to Charles with his flushed cheeks and messy hair causing butterflies to erupt from within me. We pulled up at a pharmacy a few minutes later and I hopped out, quickly telling Charles I would be back as soon as possible.

I strolled along the aisles of the store looking for the medication, proving ridiculously difficult when everything was in French. Eventually I found the pills I needed with a little help from Google translate and made my way to the counter.

"Je voudrais ceci s'il vous plait" I smiled at the cashier, looking around whilst I was waiting "Oh et ceux-ci"

I slid the packages across the counter along with the money to pay from them. I thanked the cashier and shoved my purchases in to my bag and returned to Charles in the car. He took off driving and I opened up the information sheet that came with the medication.

"Shit" I exclaimed
"What? What's wrong?" Charles looked at me worriedly
"It's all in French" I huffed as he laughed at me "Prendre deux comprimés à quatre heures d'intervalle jusqu'à ce que les nausées cessent" I read out loud
"Take two pills at four hour intervals until nausea stops" Charles confirmed to me
"Consultez un médecin si vous pensez être enceinte" I continued
"Consult a doctor if you think you may be pregnant" he looked at me concerned
"Prendre au moment des repas" I ignored his stare and continued to read the leaflet
"Take at mealtimes" he finished translating for me "have you eaten?" He asked
"Not since breakfast" I replied, focusing on trying to fold the information sheet to fit back in the packet "we could go back to the hotel and get room service" I suggested "on me" I smiled, trying to shake off the nervous atmosphere and he agreed

We parked at the hotel and Charles led me to his room before ordering some sandwiches to the room for lunch

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" I asked after he was finished on the phone
"No, go ahead" he gestured at the door before taking a seat on the bed

I sat down of the side of the bathtub, pulling my phone out of my bag along with the bag from the pharmacy. I placed the anti sickness medication on the counter and held the other package in my hands.


Well shit.

~ Author's note ~

Some Google translate needed for this one 😅

Sorry it's a bit of a shorter chapter, didn't want to give too much away in this one
Hope you're enjoying xx

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