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"I just don't want you speaking to him"
"Tell me why, I want to know the reason. Remember we said no secrets in this relationship" I rested my hand on his thigh to try to calm him
"It's a long story" he sighed
"We have time"

Charles ran his hand through his hair and let out a large sigh as he linked his fingers with mine

"Let's get to the airport and we can discuss it all on the plane home" he suggested and I agreed, settling further in to my seat, wondering what could have possibly happened between Charles and Mick

The drive to the airport was silent again as Charles focused on the road and I focused on playing with my hands in my lap. When we arrived we were swarmed by fans again so whilst Charles stopped for photographs and signed autographs, I wheeled our suitcases through to the departure lounge and waited for Charles to return. I scrolled through Twitter on my phone and saw a few photos of Charles and I leaving Maranello and god I have an ugly concentrating/resting bitch face. I'm surprised Charles' fans hadn't called me out for looking like such a moody cow all the time.

"Hey, are you okay?" Charles asked as he came through and sat next to me
"Yeah, all good. Did you get through all the fans?" I asked
"Most of them but then security came out" he replied

"Does it ever get tiring? All the media? Being photographed going to the shops to get your toilet roll?" I laughed
"Sometimes" he laughed "But I knew the first time I sat in a kart, this is where I wanted to be in 15/20 years time so I put up with everything that comes along with it. The most difficult part of it all is learning who is genuine. Who is actually with me to support me and who just wants the money and fame that comes by being seen with me. I think that's why I generally keep to people that knew me before F1. And one that I ran in to taking out her rubbish" he smiled at me

I had never thought of the troubles Charles would have faced like this until now and him being so unsure of Aimee and Pascale of me started to make a lot more sense knowing this.

"Well I was interested when you were a random man in the street, even when I thought you were a mechanic and I'd still be interested if you were something boring like an English teacher although I'd be somewhat concerned at the level of your English" I joked
"It's better than your French" he smirked
"You may have a point there"

We then left the lounge to board the plane and Charles gestured to take the seat next to him before we took off. Our previous conversation played over in my head and I tried to link that to his relationship with Mick. Mick was probably the only person on the grid that Charles didn't interact with but surely Mick wouldn't have used Charles for fame or money given his family history.

The flight attendant served us some snacks and waters before leaving us to our conversation

"Okay" Charles puffed out "You know all the history about Julietta"
"Unfortunately" I sighed
"Well there's one part of the story that's been left out. And that's who she cheated on me with"

And then it clicked.

"Mick? She cheated on you with Mick?" I asked, shocked, and he nodded

"We were both at Prema and in the Ferrari Driving Academy so we all got to know each other quite well, them a little too well it seems" he sighed, taking my hand in his "and don't get me wrong, I'm glad it happened because it's given me a new perspective and now I have you but when I see you with Mick it just makes me think it could happen all over again and I could lose you"
"You're never going to lose me Charles, unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me until the end" I gripped his hand a little tighter
"I wouldn't have it any other way" he laughed and pressed a kiss to my head as I rested it on his shoulder

I spent the rest of the flight thinking about everything Charles and I had discussed that day and I was grateful that now he had some time to spend with his family and friends and that they had all welcomed me, a complete stranger, with open arms. Pascale needed a bit of encouragement but I don't hold that against her.

I also thought about the second half of the season and that Charles and I would be apart for most of the rest of the year. I could maybe do some of the qualifying and race days in Europe but with the upcoming uni semester being so full on there's no way Emma and I could make the races that were further away. I played with the charm that was around my neck and felt a nudge on my shoulder from Charles

"What are you thinking about?" he asked
"Everything" I laughed "You, us"
"Stop stressing" he pulled me in to his side "We'll be fine, you'll be fine, I'll be fine, uni will be fine. We'll spend the rest of the break together and we'll see each other as much as possible"

Funny he could tell that was exactly what I was thinking about. Twin flame telepathy maybe.

We soon landed and Charles drove us back, dropping me at my apartment as Em had been like a lost dog not having me around and with Max being in England, working with his engineers. Charles helped me up the stairs with my luggage and we were bombarded by Emma at the door. She immediately jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and knocking me back into Charles who helped keep me upright

"I've been so lonely" she fake cried in to my shoulder as I tried to walk us back into the apartment with Emma still clinging to me
"I'm back now so you can stop crying" I laughed and she still refused to let go
"Should I be worried leaving you two alone tonight?" Charles queried
"We've known each other for three years so if anything was going to happen, it would have happened by now pretty boy" Emma jumped down from my arms "But you never know. You've seen what Jen's like when she's had a few glasses of wine" she held up the bottle she had just pulled from the fridge

Charles raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a smirk on his face to which I rolled my eyes and shook my head. We both made our way back to the apartment door where I kissed him goodbye and told him I would text him later on tonight

"I love seeing boys get all flustered when you talk about getting with their girlfriends" Emma joked
"Oh yeah, great plan Em. Get him all worked up then send him out into the big bad world where there's thousands of girls jumping at the chance to get with him. Thanks" I laughed jokingly "Now where's this wine you were talking about"

~ Author's note ~

So now we know why Charles and Mick don't get on
Didn't like writing this about Mick because he's a wee precious soul but we love the drama

Hope you're all well and enjoying the story

Love you guys ❤️ xoxo

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