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The week was passing by quickly and I tried to show Charles as much of my home country as possible. Constantly terrifying him by taking long drives in my little Mini Cooper that was falling apart at the seams.

"You really hate not being in the driver's seat, don't you?" I laughed as I watched him grip on to the door
"Please look at the road" He laughed as well, ignoring my question and only confirming my suspicions
"I know these roads like the back of my hand" I joked, switching gears and swerving to avoid a pothole "see? That's been there since I passed my test"

Much to Charles' relief, I pulled up at our destination and grabbed Jack's leash before getting him out of the car, him being not best pleased at being demoted to the back seat.



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"I feel like Jack doesn't like me" Charles laughed as Jack ran away from him as he tried to pet him
"He doesn't like many people, don't take it personally" I reassured him before he pulled me in to his side and pressed a kiss to the top of my head

We walked around the loch for about an hour whilst I answered every question Charles asked about my childhood and growing up here. Our two lives had been completely different to each other so far and Charles was excited to experience a little bit of mine.

We took a seat on a bench over looking the water, watching Jack stalk the ducks sitting at the edge

"I can't believe you've never been to Scotland before" I thought out loud
"I've never had a reason to visit before now" he smiled at me "but I think I'll be visiting a lot more now"
"Soppy" I laughed back

I eventually managed to pry Jack away from staring at the ducks and we made our way back to the car. Charles, again, praying for his safe return as I drove us back home.

"Did you survive?" My dad called out as we walked through the door
"Just about" Charles replied to him
"I will not stand for this slander in my own house, I'm not that bad of a driver, I passed my test first time!"
"Only because the examiner fancied you" Scott chimed in and I huffed in response
"You've just talked yourself out of free lifts home from the pub" I warned Scott
"You don't even live here anymore" he laughed "You're away sunning it up in Monaco, living the luxury life with a Formula 1 driver" Charles joined in with Scott's laughter

Charles and I excused ourselves to pack up our remaining items as we were leaving to go back tomorrow. I had loved being back with my family but there was something about Monaco that just felt like home now and I couldn't wait to return and commence my plan to make sure it stayed my home.

Our last night consisted of a big family dinner with everyone getting to know Charles a little better beyond his life as a racing driver. And it wouldn't be a family get together without a heated game of Monopoly to end the night.

- -

The following morning I said my goodbyes to Scott, Jack and my dad before he left for work and we loaded our suitcases in to the car. My mum drove us to the airport and we had our moment in the car park to prevent us being swarmed by fans noticing Charles.

"I've loved having you home for a bit" my mum sniffled in to our hug
"You're always welcome to come visit us anytime"
"I know, I will" she nodded, pulling away from the hug "you're not coming back at the end of the year are you?" She whispered out of earshot of Charles
"Not if I can help it" I smiled sadly and she nodded again understandingly
"Okay, go get your flight before I start crying again" she laughed, hugging us both once last time before waving goodbye

Charles and I quickly checked in and made our way to the VIP lounge to avoid any mass hysteria, only stopping a few times for a couple of quick photos.

"When does your training start again?" I asked as we took a seat on a sofa in the lounge
"Next week, so it'll be pretty busy before the season starts back" he replied and I nodded

I was only going to be able to make the Dutch and Italian GPs for the rest of the season so this was going to be the last time Charles and I got to spend together properly before the season finished in November. But I had a lot of work to do before then.

The flight was quick and soon we were back in Charles' car driving from Nice to Monte Carlo. Charles dropped me at my apartment and I rushed upstairs to see Emma, swinging the door open and finding her sat on the couch watching Netflix.

"Okay, time to get started with the plan" I smiled at her and she sat up straight, clapping her hands excitedly

The next few hours were spent on our laptops, drafting up emails, looking for contacts and setting up meetings and once we felt satisfied the plan was robust enough, we called it a night, ready to start again tomorrow.

- -

It was a few days later now and I felt bad lying to Charles about what I was doing today since it was his last day before his training started but this meeting was key in deciding if I would be able to continue my studies in Monaco rather than returning home to Scotland.

I had woken up early that day, showered and dried my hair. I quickly did my makeup and put on my outfit I had laid out the previous night before sitting down in front of my laptop and opening up the meeting. I shuffled some papers around, with all my grades and comments from supervisors, as I waited nervously for the Dean of my home university to join the call.

. . .

After the most stressful hour of my life, I flopped down on my bed as I could hear Emma start her call with the same man to decide her future as well. I packed my papers in to my bag as I waited for Emma to finish her call and as soon as it was over we had to make our way to the university campus to have our next meeting.

I was up first, taking a seat in front of the Dean in his office and organising the papers on his desk, ready to run through the script Emma and I had been working on the past couple of days.

"Thank you for your time today" I finished off, shaking the Dean's hand
"Decisions like these can take some time, we will liaise with your university and come to a mutual agreement" he smiled
"Thank you again" I stood, making my way to the door
"Oh and one more thing Miss Walker" I stopped and turned to face him expectantly "Julietta will not be bothering you any longer. We take bullying and harassment very seriously at this university and after investigation, Julietta has been removed from the course"
"Thank you sir" I smiled back at him

I could have literally burst with happiness as I walked out of the room but decided to remain calm and wait for Em to finish before we decided to celebrate.

. . .

She soon exited with the same expression I had upon hearing the news and we both quickly made our way out of the building before pulling each other in to a hug

"The wicked witch is dead" Emma squealed as she jumped around happily
"One hurdle down, another massive one to go" I replied, feeling positive but still trying to remain realistic

~ Author's note ~

So so so sorry it's taken this long to update, but exams are finished for another short while

Will Jen and Em get to stay in Monaco or will they only get one good result from the university?

Definitely starting to wind this story down now but if anyone has any good Max story recommendations, leave them in the comments. I'm going to start up a parallel Max x Em story when this one finishes

Love you all loads ❤️🤍❤️

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