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*little bit smutty in parts*

Not long after, Emma and I decided to get a taxi back to our apartment as Charles and I were going away tomorrow and I still had lots to organise.

"Well that put a bit of a dampener on the evening" Emma sighed as she collapsed on to the couch
"Just a bit" I followed her, doing the same
"Why haven't we thought about this before now?" She asked "It was inevitable that this was going to happen"
"I guess I just didn't want to think about it"
"Me neither" Emma agreed

- -

I had spent the rest of the evening last night packing my bag for my week away with Charles but I couldn't help thinking about the last conversation we had at Charles' apartment last night.

As I gathered the last few belongings I needed, the buzzer ran through the appointment indicating that Charles was downstairs. I quickly said my goodbyes to Emma and headed out to meet Charles

"Hello handsome" I smiled up at him as I wrapped my arms around his waist
"Are you ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, retrieving my suitcase from where I had abandoned it at the front door and loading it in to the car
"So are you finally going to tell me where we're going?" I asked as we sat in his car
"You don't want to be surprised?" He laughed
"No the suspense has been killing me since you arranged everything"
"Well I remembered you saying you had never been to Italy so I've organised a bit of a tour for us. Rome, Venice, Milan and Lake Como. And then we need to make a quick stop at Maranello for some work if that's okay?" He told me
"Shut up!" I squealed "you're joking right now?" I asked as he drove us along the long straight roads and he shook his head
"I've been waiting for the day I got to take you away and show you all my favourite places" he smiled

An hour later we were in Nice airport, waiting to board the plane Charles had organised and before long we were settling in on the plane. The plane ride was unusually quiet as Charles sat silent for most of the flight and I imagined the same thoughts were running through his mind as in mine.

I took in the expression of deep concentration on his face, his furrowed brow, pursed frown and him chewing the inside of his cheek and I couldn't help but feel guilty what my uncertainty was doing to him. Reaching across the table, I linked my fingers with his and gave them a gentle squeeze causing him to lock eyes with me.

"I can't lose you" he spoke quietly before looking out the window again

The small twinge of guilt I had felt moments before was now rapidly expanding in my stomach thinking of all the loss Charles had experienced in his life so far and I couldn't bear to think I might be adding to it. I wasn't going to let that happen.

"You won't. I'll make sure of it, I promise" I responded "Let's enjoy our holiday and make the most of your time off"

He smiled back but it didn't reach his eyes, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep my leaving off of his mind. The plane soon landed again following the remainder of the quiet flight and we departed to go to the hotel with me spending most of the car journey with my face pressed against the window, taking in the amazing sites as we passed through Rome. Once we had checked in, Charles directed me to the room, handing me over the keycard to enter as he tried to hide the smirk on his face

"Have you planned another surprise?" I asked in shock at his preparation
"Couldn't possibly say" he continued to grin "You'll just need to go in and see for yourself"

I excitedly swiped the keycard on the reader and rushed in to the room to be met with the sight of the largest bouquet of red roses I'd ever seen in my life, champagne chilling in an ice bucket and a gift bag on the bed

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