Home Time

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Emma packed a small suitcase for me whilst I sat on the couch, ignoring my vibrating phone lying next to me. I felt so incredibly numb at the thought that less than two weeks after Charles had asked me to be his girlfriend that he could have been unfaithful. What was the point?

I didn't get much sleep that night through the sobbing fits and racing thoughts. Emma stayed in my bed that night, trying to comfort me although she did fall asleep around 2 o'clock so I tried to keep my cries silent so I didn't disturb her.

- -

The next morning, we quietly made our way from the apartment to the train station and boarded our train to Nice. I still couldn't hold back the tears however I managed to control the sobbing whilst in public to preventing drawing unnecessary attention to the two of us. I must have looked awful as everyone we passed leaving the train and making our way into the airport kept giving me sympathetic smiles which didn't help me feel any less pathetic.

Emma dealt with all the paperwork and passports at the VIP check in area and we were led to the lounge to wait until the plane was ready. Em squeezed my hand as we sat on the large armchairs and watched the planes take off and land just outside of the window. I had text my mum last night to let her know that we would be in London this weekend and she was so excited for us to see each other again whilst they were down at the same time.

After around 20 minutes of waiting we were led to Max's jet and got ourselves settled in our seats as the flight attendant served us bottles of water. We were very unsure of how to act on the plane since we never would have thought we would be on a private jet flying to see our friends drive in Silverstone. I only wish it had been on better terms.

We landed in Heathrow after a couple of hours and were met by a car after we departed the plane. The door opened and Max stepped out with a sheepish smile and Emma ran over to hug him immediately as I slowly traipsed over behind her. Max pulled me into a tight hug when I reached him and I broke down again sobbing into his chest, letting it out after holding it together for the train and plane ride.

"Hey it's okay" He tried to calm me "I promise it's just a huge misunderstanding"

He loaded Emma and I's suitcases into the boot of the car and helped us both into the back of the car before the driver started the engine and made his way out of the airport. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my sweatshirt and tried to compose myself from the state I was in, taking deep breaths in and out to try to stop my chest heaving.

"Fuck sake. This is ridiculous" I laughed to myself, shaking my head as Emma smiled at me

I let her and Max catch up on the past 2 weeks as I watch the world pass by through the window, starting to recognise some familiar landmarks when we entered central London. We pulled up to the hotel and we were lucky enough that Max had managed to convince Red Bull to let Emma and I have a hotel room on them. Max helped us check in and we made our way to our designated room, placing our suitcases in the corner of the room and all taking a seat on the double bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Max asked me
"I'm not sure. I just don't know what to think about the whole thing" I replied solemnly
"She was just some girl that wouldn't leave us alone" he explained before Emma jumped in
"But why was he hugging her?" she asked
"You both know Charles, he's a friendly drunk" he continued explaining
"Yeah I know exactly how friendly Charles gets when he's had a drink" I replied with dread thinking about our racey moments in the club and on the boat, the tears starting to build in my eyes again

There was a knock on the door and all three of our heads snapped to face it, no one was expecting anyone so we were all confused. Emma was the one to answer the repetitive knocking at the door, opening the door to reveal a disheveled Charles. His red eyes locked with mine immediately

"Charles" I breathed out in shock
"Jen" his voice broke, indicating that he had been crying as well

He rushed into the room and over to where I was sat on the bed, causing me to jerk away, still not ready to be near him

"Please" he pleaded, his voice cracking again as he took a seat on the bed

I nodded to Emma and she reciprocated before her and Max left the room, allowing Charles and I to talk. Although we sat in silence, neither of us daring to break it.

I took the jump.

"What happened?" I asked quietly
"I'm honestly not sure" he shook his head

Absolutely not what I wanted to hear. The tears threatened to spill over however I refused to cry anymore and blinked them back

"She was just a fan. She managed to get in to the VIP area. No one knew how, no one invited her in. She was all over me and Pierre and we didn't want to be rude to her so we took some photos thinking that would be the end of it but she just didn't leave."

I nodded along to each sentence, watching my fingers pick at a thread on the duvet, unable to meet his eyes just yet.

"Nothing happened. The photos look bad but I promise nothing happened" he pleaded with me "please believe me Jen" his hand came in to my line of sight to lift my chin to meet his gaze.

His bloodshot eyes filled with tears, contrasting with the dark circles underneath making my gut wrench

"I promise I would never do that to you" a tear slipped from his eye and that completely broke me, the tears I had held back now flowing freely

Charles pulled me in to his chest and let me soak his tshirt with my tears.

"You promise?" I sobbed
"I would never hurt you" he spoke into my hair whilst he stroked my back

I pulled away and scanned his face, cupping his cheeks to wipe away the tears he had shed as well

"God, we're a mess" I laughed and he did too
"Please let's never let gossip columns come between us again" he asked and I nodded pulling him in for a tight hug

I was so glad to be in Charles' arms after our time apart and that we were back on good terms. I never wanted to leave this moment with him.

~ Author's note ~

Our fav duo back together again xo

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