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*1 year later*

Have you left yet?

Charles is stress watching a YouTube tutorial on how to tie a bow tie
Won't be long hopefully

Okay, no rush x

Charles had had an amazing year of racing and had claimed his first World Championship title so now we were getting ready for the celebrations I had organised along with Charles' family.

I was packing my last few things in to my bag for the night when Charles came through in to the living room, still fiddling with his bow tie. I stood in front of him and made a few adjustments to it as I could feel him staring down at me.

"You look amazing" I smiled up at him "let's go celebrate"

He took my hand in his as we made our way down to the waiting car and I told the driver our destination and he set off.

"Oh sorry, it was that turn back there" I pointed out to the driver who just stared ahead and I turned to Charles in confusion that we were now heading in the wrong direction
"Maybe he knows a shortcut" he shrugged

Might be late, the driver is taking us a different way 🤷🏼‍♀️

Okay no worries, take your time x

A couple of minutes later, I realised where the driver had taken us on the detour. We pulled up to the stairs that would lead us down to the beach where we had our first unofficial date, where Charles had asked me to be his girlfriend and where we had spent many great moments since.

"Did you want to speak with your dad?" I asked Charles
"Yeah, I want you to come with me" he smiled lightly

Charles helped me down the stairs as I was still in my heels before I took them off at the bottom of the steps and we walked along the sand to our usual spot. I looked out over the sea as the sun had began to set in the distance, leaving an orange glow over the city.

I turned to Charles to see if he was enjoying the view as much as I was when I found him down on one knee

"Shut up" I laughed as my hands flew to my mouth to disguise my state of shock as Charles just laughed at me

"Jen" Charles started before clearing the lump in his throat to continue "the past four years with you have been the best of my life. You always manage to make me smile when I'm feeling down, you have the worst sense of humour but it's my favourite. You're kind and caring but not afraid to stand up for something you believe in. I've always admired you. From day one when you stepped out of your apartment, I knew. I couldn't get you out of my thoughts and I knew I had to be with you. Then Abu Dhabi when you told me about everything you'd been through to be able to stay in Monaco, I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. All the moments since then have just added to it and I couldn't imagine spending forever with anyone but you. So, Jennifer Walker, will you marry me?"

"What a stupid question" I laughed, pulling him up to my height and wrapping my arms around his shoulders to bring him in for a kiss
"Is that a yes?" He mumbled against my lips
"One million percent yes" I smiled as he placed the ring on my finger
"Thank god" He laughed nervously

We spent a few more minutes enjoying the moment and taking some pictures as the sun set before I became cautious of the time and everyone waiting for us to arrive. We made our way back to the car and set off for the venue, arriving shortly after.

Still Learning [C.L]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ