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We found ourselves inches apart from each other, his slate blue eyes glistening in the sun and hair drenched in water. I thought about the past week, how Pierre had been there for me, protecting me and keeping me out of harms way whilst helping to piece my broken heart together with his family.

As I was thinking through all of this I watched Pierre move in...

I quickly regained focus and placed my hand on Pierre's chest

"Pierre, I can't" I blurted out "I still love Charles"

The words came out as a whisper as though I was trying to convince myself as well as Pierre. He nodded before shaking his head and pushing himself away from me

"Sorry I don't know what came over me" he ran his hand through his hair as I nodded, swallowing down the lump in my throat.

We swam back to the boat and climbed aboard in silence, a solemn mood cast over the both of us as the yacht made its way back to the dock. Pierre's parents aware of our uneasiness but not mentioning anything. The car ride back to the villa was uncomfortably quiet, so much so that Pierre's mum gave my hand a squeeze and a look to indicate she wanted to talk when we were alone, doing so as soon as we arrived back. She sat us down on the furniture set out on the patio and I sighed, not ready to hear what she was about to say.

"You don't need to say anything but I want you to listen" I nodded along with her "you are a beautiful girl Jennifer, both inside and out. When you are at your best, the light flows out of you, touching everyone you come into contact with. You have a special heart, full of love and warmth for family and friends. We see the effect you have on Pierre, you make him so happy, this is the longest we've seen him happy since Anthoine's passing. But we also see the profound effect you've had on Charles and the difference you have made on his character in such a short space of time. He was broken by Julietta and at the same time both he and Pierre were getting their first sense of real freedom joining formula one which was a recipe for disaster. Yes he's made mistakes but he is a changed man now. You need to be selfish with your decision Jennifer. You need to make the choice that is best for you, okay?"

I continued to nod in response to her, wiping away a few tears that had formed due to her warm words as she pulled my into one of her hugs I had grown used to receiving over the past week.

"Go get some rest, it's been a long day for you" she smiled and I followed her instructions, making my way to my room, packing away the clothes I had hung up in the wardrobe before crawling into bed.

I had to face my problems head on if I ever wanted to solve them. I pulled out my phone, sending a quick text before falling asleep

I think we need to talk

- -

I woke up the next morning dreading the airport, after our posts yesterday the fans were certain Pierre and I were on holiday together so we had to create a plan for me to make it the the gate, unbothered by fans.

I pulled my hood over my head and searched for my sunglasses and a spare face mask in my bag as we pulled up to the airport. We all agreed that I would go in first and check in then Pierre and his family would meet me afterwards in the first class lounge.

We pulled off the plan to perfection as I sat in the first class lounge with a bottle of water waiting for the others to arrive. I waited for around 10 minutes, assuming Pierre had been caught up with fans, a smile spreading on my face seeing the three of them walk in.

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