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Monday came around too quickly and now Charles and I had to part ways. Emma and I had previously arranged to attend the Italian Grand Prix the following weekend however the Dean had called us for a meeting first thing on the Monday morning so we had to come up with an excuse for our non attendance.

His email hadn't given anything away regarding the decision about our future in Monaco so we were anxiously awaiting to hear.

Charles would be back in Monaco after the race so we would have a good amount of time to spend together then before Singapore. We said our goodbyes in the airport departure lounge before Charles left to board his plane and Emma and I waited for our gate announcement.

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The next few days agonisingly dragged in, hearing rumours from members of staff that there was to be a committee meeting on Friday before we met with the Dean on Monday. Emma and I occupied our time at home with online lectures and creating study resources for our final round of exams for the year.

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The race that weekend was tense with Max securing another win and Charles taking second. We both watched proudly as the boys celebrated on the podium with George. Charles and Max were flying back tonight and I had already packed an overnight bag so when Charles text to say he had landed, I made my way to his apartment and let myself in with the key he had made for me.

Around 45 minutes later, I heard Charles' keys rattling in the door and I rushed out to greet him, wrapping my arms around him and holding on for dear life and spent most of the evening like that before we went to bed.

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Emma and I came out of our meeting with a sense of relief washing over us. The university staff had unanimously agreed to allow us to continue our studies in Monaco until we graduated however we were still waiting to hear from our home university to confirm the decision fully.

I spent the next two and a half weeks living with Charles, only returning to my apartment to retrieve clean clothes and scrubs for university. We had created such a routine by now, whilst I was at university Charles would do all his training with Andreas and I would come back to Charles making dinner for the both of us.

We had the odd date night whilst he was home but we both much preferred staying in to avoid the chaos of being mobbed wherever Charles went. Arthur and Aimée still came by the apartment occasionally so Aimée and I would sit and chat whilst the boys fought with each other over a game of FIFA.

Then it came time for Charles to leave for Singapore and Emma and I returned to living together in our apartment, frequently having Aimée and Sharon over for dinner and study sessions. Whilst they didn't have any exams until next summer, they helped test us to make sure we were ready for ours just before Christmas.

Charles and I exchanged late night phone calls, early morning texts and squeezed in FaceTimes whenever we got the chance. Two and a half weeks felt like a lifetime when he was on the other side of the world.

The tense racing battles continued over Singapore between Charles and Checo and in Japan with Max as well. I felt physically sick watching the race in Japan, thoughts racing back about Jules' crash and the thought of not being there for Charles broke my heart.

Max had actually won the Championship in Japan after a whole load of confusion over reduced points and a shortened race so Emma was in a celebratory mood. I text both Charles and Max a congratulations and they had already planned a night out for when they returned.

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Charles was home and we were back living together again, making the most of our time with him here. It was Saturday night and I had dragged almost all of my belongings to Charles' to get ready for the night out. Lando had offered to do a DJ set at Jimmy'z for Max's celebration night so a lot of the drivers were coming along.

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