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Charles left around 11 o'clock that night and Emma and I stayed up to have our catch up now both boys were gone.
"So tell me everything!" I squealed as Emma laughed at me
"There's honestly not much to tell" she tried to downplay it
"Max Verstappen, current F1 world champion, was in your bed, practically naked, and you say there's not much to tell" I rolled my eyes "Did you have sex?"
"No! I've only just met him!" She smacked my arm, I continued to stare at her whilst she wouldn't meet my gaze
"Did you have sex?" I repeated
"We'll it depends what you classify as sex" she replied sheepishly as I started laughing "nah like it wasn't proper sex. We were both really drunk so it doesn't count"

The next hour consisted of us discussing last night's antics before going to bed. The article from earlier today was still playing on my mind, I just hope no one in uni tomorrow is a big F1 fan.

- -

I woke up early the next morning after a restless sleep and forced myself out of bed. I took a shower and found myself cringing at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes and lips still swollen from crying yesterday and the shade of my face no longer matching my neck due to the tan.
Making my way back to my room, I sat down at my desk and started applying the well needed make up to my face. Chucking on some leggings and a hoodie, I began to pack my bag with my laptop, scrubs and anything else I would need for the day before setting off with Emma.
We had a quiet walk to the hospital, the weather reflecting our moods as dark grey clouds filled the sky. Arriving at the hospital, we made our way to the locker rooms where a lot of the other students had already gathered. As we walked in, the room went silent before they started whispering in French so I couldn't understand most of what they were saying. I tried to ignore it as best as possible, just focusing on getting changed and making my way in to the clinical skills room, Emma and I taking our seats at the back corner of the class.
We spent the morning practicing root canal treatments on our model teeth, Emma and I just keeping to ourselves and watching our pre recorded videos on the topic. The tutor let us go for lunch at half twelve so we headed to the canteen to get something to eat.
"So have you spoken to Max today?" I asked Emma taking a bite of my sandwich
"Yeah just general chat, he's with his trainer all day today but he said he might come over tonight if that's okay? How is Charles? That was so cute yesterday with the flowers, made me want to cry when he text me"
"I've actually not text him" I realised "I've been trying to avoid looking at my phone"

I pulled my phone out of my bag to see the Lock Screen flooded with notifications on Instagram from people following, commenting and messaging. I decided to mute all notifications from Instagram so I could use my phone without wanting to cry every time.
There were multiple unread messages from Charles from yesterday and one from this morning.

Morning beautiful, hope you're feeling better and I can't wait to see you tonight x

With all the drama from yesterday I had completely forgotten that Charles and I had arranged a date for tonight.

Hey sorry, I've been avoiding my phone since yesterday. Me too, where are we going and what time will I meet you? X

It's a surprise
I'll pick you up from your apartment so be ready for 7 x

The afternoon went in quickly, again practicing root treatments until we were happy with the final result. The tutor checked our work and allowed us to leave early at half past three. We made our way back to the locker rooms to be greeted by a group of girls so Emma and I just proceeded to get changed back into our normal clothes. Just as I was packing my scrubs into my bag, one of the girls approached us.

"Is it true you're dating Charles Leclerc?" She asked excitedly
"Well kind of, we're just chatting at the moment" I smiled back at her, trying not to get a bad reputation in the hospital
"Oh my god, you're so lucky!" She grabbed on to my arm before hugging me
"Eh thanks" I laughed
"My name's Julietta and these are my friends Sharon and Aimée" she introduced "Feel free to come and sit with us at lunch tomorrow" she suggested
"Yeah that sounds good" Emma nodded
"Well we'll see you tomorrow" I waved goodbye as Emma and I left to walk home

It was 4 o'clock by the time we made it back to the apartment which left me long enough to go for a shower and get ready. Emma helped me dry and straighten my hair which she slicked back into a ponytail, adding clips to keep my fringe back. I added some light makeup and was ready for quarter to seven.

"Shot to calm the nerves?" Emma asked holding out a glass of tequila
"Thanks" we clinked glasses and downed the drinks

The sound of the buzzer rang through the apartment making us both jump. Emma picked up the intercom and buzzed Max in from downstairs and opened the door to the apartment to greet him with a hug.

"Jen you didn't need to get all dressed up for me coming over. I know you want to impress me but I've kind of got a thing for your friend" he joked
"Very funny Max" I rolled my eyes giving him a hug "Charles and I are going on a date"
"Well you look lovely" he squeezed my arm making me smile

The buzzer went again, catching us all off guard.

"Jesus is it always that loud?" Max asked rubbing his temples, still clearly feeling the effects from Sunday.
I let Charles in and greeted him at the door with a kiss.
"I got you these" he held out a bunch of flowers
"Two lots of flowers in two days, you're spoiling me" I laughed taking them over to the sink as Charles greeted Emma and Max.

I grabbed my clutch bag from the counter and said bye to Emma and Max and Charles led me downstairs and into the car that was waiting for us.

"You look beautiful" Charles complimented as the driver started the car

"Thanks" I smiled "You scrub up not too bad yourself" I admired his white dress shirt before leaning in to give him a kiss

We continued the car ride talking about our days and what we got up to, soon arriving at our destination. Charles opening the car door for me and helping me out.

"Mr Leclerc" the maître d' greeted Charles, leading us through to a secluded part of the restaurant, Charles ordered us champagne and we were left to look through the menu. A waiter soon came over to pour our champagne and take our orders before leaving us to chat.

"This is beautiful Charles" I looked at the chandeliers and candles surrounding our table

"Had to make a good first impression on our date" he held my hand across the table "So does this mean we're dating now?" he asked

"Yeah. Definitely dating" I smiled back at him



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