Girls just wanna have fun

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Arizona: I didn't knew that it is possible. She gets even more beautiful each day.
April: It's so sweet to see you both together.
Arizona: So how is it with Harriët and Jackie?
April: They are great together. Jackie slept finally the whole night.
Arizona: That's great. I know we were so lucky with Timothy. He loved sleeping and was so easy when he was just born.
April: We were jealous about that. Harriët never slept.
Arizona: We could all see that when you both got to work in the morning.
Y/n: Hello lovely ladies. What are you talking about?
Arizona: Uhm don't you forget something?
Y/n: I don't know what you mean?
Arizona: I'm waiting here to get something from you.
Y/n: Oh, I see what you mean.

You put a hand on Arizona's cheek and she leaned into your touch. You slowly came inches from her face and kissed her lips sweetly, but passionate at the same time. It was a short kiss, but full of love when you pulled away from her.

April: Okay, that was cute, but a little to much for me to witness.
Arizona: Oh shut it. I've see worse from you and Jackson.
Y/n: Stop talking, I don't want to hear about that.  

It's been some weeks and today you have another scan to see if you can find out the gender.

Arizona: Are you really okay? We can get a wheelchair.
Y/n: I'm fine, just tired, but that's because I'm like an air balloon.
Arizona: No, you're not. You are 20 weeks pregnant and beautiful. This is just a rough week. Like you would say to me; it will only get better.
Y/n: Using my own words against me. I hate you.
Arizona: Oh you just love me. What do you think it will be or what do you want it to be?
Y/n: My feelings tell me a girl and honestly I would love to have a little girl, because then Timothy can be the protective big brother for his younger sister. It's just a real cute idea.
Arizona: I think exactly the same. Although I think about one more thing.
Y/n: What are you thinking about?
Arizona: I'm thinking about Timothy and Mark.
Y/n: Is there any specific reason why you think about them?
Arizona: Just think about it. Our Timmy will become just like them, a big brother for his sister.
Y/n: Now I get it. We both had a big brother who protected their little sister with everything they had.
Arizona: I already see Timmy being just like that.
Y/n: Me too babe. He will be the best big brother our bubba could wish for.

Arizona grabbed your hand and kissed your cheek before walking further to the exam room. 

Arizona: Lets find out right now.
Y/n: I'm so happy that Carina is with us all this time during the pregnancy.
Arizona: It is because she is the best, but most of all she is our best friend.
Carina: Who is the best? Come in and take a seat.
Arizona: We were talking about you being the best OB. We are so thankful for you watching over our little peanut again.
Carina: It's my pleasure girls. I love you so much and of course I do everything to make sure the baby is all good.
Y/n: We are so grateful for having you as our friend.
Carina: I'm the lucky one having you as my friends.
Arizona: What would you say about dinner at our place this weekend with Maya and Tayla?
Carina: Sounds perfect to me. I will ask Maya, but first we will have a look at the baby.
Y/n: I'm so tired lately. Is the baby causing that?
Carina: Yes, it's the baby. Being pregnant asks a lot from the body of any female. Some people experience pain, others are sick and some are more tired than ever or even exhausted.
Arizona: It's normal to feel like this. I tell her all the time.
Carina: Nothing to worry about. Being tired at some points is normal and you are lucky. There are moms walking around with that many pain that they can't do a single thing during the whole day.
Y/n: Yes I'm very lucky, especially with my amazing wife, who takes the best care of me.
Arizona: Just like you did for me babe when I carried Timothy.
Carina: So looking around everything looks perfect. Just like a 20 week old baby in the belly should look like.
Arizona: Can you see what we are having?
Carina: Give me a second to find out. Any preference?
Y/n: Besides having a healthy baby we both would love to have a girl.
Arizona: We are also happy to have another little boy, but having a real mini y/n would be amazing.
Carina: Timothy having a little sister will mean he can be the protective big brother.
Arizona: That's exactly what we both thought.
Y/n: So can you tell us what we will get?
Carina: I'm looking and I can see what you will have.
Arizona: Is it weird to be nervous about it?
Y/n: No, because I'm also nervous.

Arizona kissed the top of your head, before sitting back in her seat, holding your hand in hers.

Arizona: Lets find out right now.
Carina: I will congratulate you with a healthy baby girl.
Y/n: We are having a girl?
Carina: You are giving Timmy a little sister.
Arizona: I can't believe it. We will have a girl.
Y/n: Your wish to have a mini me just came true.
Carina: I'm so happy for you. This is what I love so much about my job. Making people happy in the most beautiful ways possible.
Arizona: Thank you so much Carina. So what would you say about having some lasagna for dinner this weekend?
Carina: Sounds perfect. Maybe we can come by early in the afternoon to make dinner with all of us.
Y/n: I would love that so much. I haven't seen Tayla lately so that will be lovely and she likes playing with Timothy.

It was later that night and you just ate dinner. You were sitting on the couch, playing with Timothy and his cars.

Arizona: Here is your tea.
Y/n: Thank you so much. Come and sit with me.
Arizona: It's his favorite car these days.
Y/n: It is. He wants it up on his desk when we put him to bed.
Arizona: So orange is like his new favorite color.
Timothy: Look! Car fast.
Y/n: We see little man. Zona can you pick him up so we can tell him the news?
Arizona: Timmy, come to mama. I want a cuddle.
Timothy: Cuddle time. Mommy love.
Y/n: We love you too baby. Our big man.
Arizona: So mommy and I have to tell you something.
Y/n: You know mommy has a baby inside her baby.
Timothy: Baby! Me brother.
Arizona: That's right Timothy. You are so smart. So today we found out if it is a girl or a boy, like you are.
Y/n: So we hope you will like it as much as we do, because you will be a big brother to your little sister.
Arizona: So we have a girl in mommy's belly.
Timothy: Love baby girl!
Arizona: Look how excited he is.
Timothy: Girl! I love sister.

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