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Arizona: Me too, but I was thinking and I have an idea for our project.
Y/n: What were you thinking about?
Arizona: What if we ask someone else?
Y/n: What do you mean? We are already working together.
Arizona: It's such a big problem we want to solve and I think another brain can really help us.
Y/n: So who are you thinking about?
Arizona: I was thinking about asking Carina as she sees the most mothers first.
Y/n: That's actually a great idea.
Arizona: We could really make a good plan to help mothers during labour.
Y/n: We will ask her tomorrow. Hopefully she is just as excited as we are.
Arizona: Otherwise you can put on your best smile and use those eyelashes of yours, that always works with me.
Y/n: And one magic super dimple smile of yours will always work. When you use that, it will get you anywhere.
Arizona: I will keep that in mind if I need something from you.
Y/n: You know you don't need to use that, because I will do anything you want at any moment.
Arizona: Oh really? Maybe I should take my chance.
Y/n: I'm really curious what you want.
Arizona: A kiss. The kids are asleep and I want your best kiss before we fall asleep.
Y/n: Maybe I can make you even happier.
Arizona: Now I want to know what you're thinking about.
Y/n: Come here my love and go on top of me.
Arizona: Some sexy time. I like where this is going.
Y/n: But the kids are here. So with you on top of me and me underneath you I want to suggest we have an old school make out session.
Arizona: That makes me very happy. I love you so much y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Zona.

Arizona kissed your lips and when you were about to use your tongue Arizona suddenly pulled away.

Arizona: Wait, stop please.
Y/n: What? Is something wrong? Did I do something?
Arizona: No no, it's something else. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing I think.
Y/n: I have no idea what you are going to say.
Arizona: Please be honest with me about what I'm going to say.
Y/n: Okay, I'm always honest babe, but you're scaring me a little.
Arizona: I want to have another baby. With Timothy being 5 and Rosey 3, maybe it's good to have another addition to this family?
Y/n: I just didn't expected this at all. We never talked about having another baby.
Arizona: So you don't want to have a third baby?
Y/n: No, that's not it. I just haven't thought about that. I always thought that if we are having an addition to our family, it would be a dog or something.
Arizona: This was not a good time to talk about it. I'm sorry.
Y/n: You don't have to be sorry Zona. This is just a lot. Give me some time to think about this. So I don't say yes or no right now.
Arizona: Whatever you think, you have to be honest with me.
Y/n: And I will be honest with you, but at this moment I can't answer your question.
Arizona: That's okay, I'm sorry I ruined our moment together.
Y/n: You haven't ruined anything babe. It's just a weird moment you told me this, but I'm glad you did and were honest with me. I love you Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you for understanding, you're the best. I love you so much.

She kissed your lips lovingly and rolled back next to you. She grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers.

Y/n: But why did you think about having another baby? Are you missing something?
Arizona: No, it's not that I'm missing something, it's more like I loved it when they were babies and we would take care of them a lot.
Y/n: But we still take care of Timmy and Rosey. We are spending a lot of time with them lately.
Arizona: I know, but something just told me that I want to have another baby as long as you want that too. Imagine Timothy helping us with a baby and Rosey, who will probably play with him or her a lot.
Y/n: I will think about it, but I just didn't expected you wanted to have another baby.
Arizona: It's just that when I look at our kids I feel so much love and maybe I want to have a bigger family because of how much I love you all.
Y/n: I will think about it babe, I promise. Lets get some sleep, because tomorrow is a long day.
Arizona: Goodnight babe, I love you.
Y/n: I love you too and keep in mind that I will always love you.
Arizona: I know that. You need to know that whatever you decide it's okay and I will not love you less.

You turned over so you looked at Arizona and gave her a passionate kiss before falling asleep.

A week later
Maya: It's a long time ago that we went out for drinks together.
Y/n: That's true, too long ago honestly.
Maya: That's what a mom life means y/n. We spend so much time with the kids. Oh and thank you so much that Tayla could stay with Arizona's parents aswel.
Y/n: Of course Maya. They don't mind, because they adore her a lot and the friendship Timmy and her have is this special bond.
Maya: They have, since the day they met.
Y/n: Oh it was such a horrible day to be honest. It was with that fire and I almost lost Arizona.
Maya: Luckily for you, the best firefighters found you both.
Y/n: And I'm forever grateful for that Maya.
Arizona: Were are we grateful for?
Y/n: We were talking about when there was the big explosion and Jack and Maya saved us.
Arizona: Yes, I'm grateful for that every day. Who knows what would had happened if you didn't found us in time.
Carina: Lets not think about that, because you are both here and we are going to have fun.
Arizona: Carina is right, so here is your drink Maya and this if for you y/n. Lets enjoy tonight ladies.
Maya: Lets have some fun and dance. I love this song.
Arizona: I love this song so much. Come on ladies.
Carina: We will be right behind you. I have to speak to y/n quickly.
Maya: Okay, but don't let us wait to long.
Y/n: What is it, you want to talk about?
Carina: What is going on with you?
Y/n: Nothing, why?
Carina: You just seem distracted and a little different. Is something wrong with you and Arizona, because you are so distant to her.
Y/n: I'm not Carina, this was just a long week I guess.
Carina: Nope, you don't fool me. You can tell me anything, you know that right?
Y/n: Uhm, so Arizona wants to have another baby.
Carina: What?!? I didn't expected this. Don't you want to have another baby?
Y/n: I don't know if I want another baby, but I don't see why not. It's stupid.
Carina: It's not stupid y/n, just promise me to talk with Arizona.
Y/n: We talk all the time, it will be okay.
Carina: Good and if you want to talk, you know where to find us.
Y/n: Thank you a lot Carina. Lets have a dance with our lovely ladies. 

Two weeks later
Amelia: I'm so sorry guys. Your project deserved more than this.
Carina: It's unfair. They don't see this big problem, we tried to solve.
Amelia: On the other hand, there are outstanding projects around.
Y/n: Like brainmapping. Seeing you two work together is such an amazing thing. Who would have thought the Shepherds working together as a team.
Amelia: It is actually going really well between us. Never worked so well with him.
Carina: There is a mom that's about to pop, so I have to go. I will see you later.
Arizona: I have to go aswel.
Amelia: See you later. Y/n, what is going on?
Y/n: I really don't know, but I have to find out myself.
Amelia: Go, I will speak to you soon. Good luck y/n.

You ran out the room seeing Arizona turning around a corner. You followed her and finally got to her and dragged her by the arm into an on call room.

Arizona: What the?!? Oh it's you.
Y/n: Yes, it's me. Where were you going?
Arizona: I had stuff to do.
Y/n: Arizona, look me in the eye and say that again.
Arizona: I can't look you in the eye.
Y/n: Because you aren't telling me the truth. What is going on inside that head of yours? You're acting strange these past two weeks. 
Arizona: It's nothing. I'm just processing that they turned down our project.
Y/n: I don't like that either, but you seem so distance the last two weeks.
Arizona: I don't know what you're talking about.
Y/n: Oh come on Zona, I have an example. You just walked out, all out of nowhere, without saying bye to me, or a simple I love you. It's just not you.
Arizona: It's not a big deal. Lets get back to work. The tiny humans need us.
Y/n: Not before you tell me what is wrong. Did I do something?
Arizona: I can't do this right now. I can't, because I love you so much y/n.
Y/n: Now, you are scaring me Arizona. Please talk to me, only then we can figure this out.
Arizona: Just leave it. You don't have to worry. I have just something on my mind to deal with.
Y/n: So tell me what it is. Maybe I can help you Zona.
Arizona: That's the thing. It's something you can't help me with y/n.
Y/n: At least tell me what it is.

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