Times are changing

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Timothy: Mama, mommy can I cuddle Wosey?
Y/n: Of course you can. Did you like your ice cream?
Timothy: Yes, I love ice cream.
Arizona: Timothy, we love you so much. Please tell mommy and me when you want to talk about what happened in the car with that weird women.
Timothy: I missed you mama.
Arizona: We missed you too buddy. We will do everything we can to let something like this never happen again.
Y/n: Like mama said, if you want to tell what happened, then we will do that Timmy.
Timothy: Thank you mommy. I'm fine and happy. Can we go to see aunties again?
Arizona: Yes, we will go back to the hospital. Are you ready to go back?
Y/n: Yes, I know what to do. I'm ready to make a decision.
Arizona: Whatever you decide to do, I'm having your back.
Y/n: I really don't know what I would do without you.
Arizona: Luckily you don't ever have to think about that, because you will aways have me around.

Arizona rested her hand on your cheek and gave you a passionate kiss. You both pulled away after a minute and you rested your head on Arizona's shoulder.

Timothy: Mommy and mama kiss. Mommy love mama.
Y/n: That's right Timmy. I love you, your sister and your mama so so much.
Timothy: Me kiss too.
Arizona: Come here so we can kiss you all over your face.

You got back to the hospital and Derek was already waiting for you.

Derek: So what have you decided?
Y/n: You can pull the plug.
Amelia: Are you sure? You know that a miracle can still happen.
Y/n: I'm sure, but please take all her organs, so she can at least help lots of people hopefully.
Derek: I will make sure that will happen.
Maya: Please come and have dinner with us tonight.
Carina: Yes, we would love to have you over. I think you can use a night like that.
Maya: I always enjoy those moments the most.
Timothy: Tayla will be home?
Maya: Yes and she would love to play with you.

It was almost a week later and you just had dinner at home with Timothy.

Arizona: How is your food little man?
Timothy: I love chicken nuggets.
Y/n: We know that. Are you happy?
Timothy: Yes, I love you and sissy. She is cute.
Arizona: You are both the cutest.
Timothy: Can I play in the room?
Y/n: Just put the plate in the kitchen then you can play with your toys.
Arizona: Oh Rosey is awake. Will you give her the bottle?
Y/n: I know something better. Timothy, would you like to help me with giving your sister her bottle?
Timothy: Yes, I love helping you.
Y/n: I will get your sister and be right back.
Arizona: Oh Timothy, I love you so much.
Timothy: I love you too mama.

You went to get Rosey and together with Timothy you gave her the bottle. After that Rosey went back to sleep and you played with Timothy and his cars.

Arizona: Okay as fun as this all is, Timmy you have to go to bed now.
Timothy: No, I want to play cars with mommy.
Arizona: You can play tomorrow again, but right now you have to go to bed.
Y/n: I will bring you to bed and tell you a story. Is that okay with you?
Timothy: And can you give cuddles?
Y/n: I will give you millions of cuddles.

After some time you came back downstairs and Arizona was drinking some wine.

Y/n: I have two questions. First one is why you look so stunning tonight? The second one is why did you start drinking without me?
Arizona: I thought I could seduce you when looking extra hot tonight. Answer to the second question is that I was just a little thirsty.
Y/n: You know you don't have to seduce me, because you already have me. So how many glasses did you already had?
Arizona: Two I think. Not that much, but it took you so long to come back to me. 
Y/n: I'm sorry, but Timmy asked for another story when I finished the first one. When he finally was sound asleep, I heard Rosey starting to wake up. I picked her up and danced around the room while singing a song.
Arizona: And now it's my time to have some attention.
Y/n: Oh really? Do you need some attention?
Arizona: Maybe. You've been playing with Timmy, but honestly I want some playtime aswel.
Y/n: You want to play with cars? Are you drunk or something?
Arizona: No, I'm not. I only had two glasses. So are we going to play or not?
Y/n: To be honest, I love drunk Arizona. That most of the times ends with having mind blowing sex.
Arizona: Lets get drunk then.
Y/n: I thought you wanted to play?
Arizona: We can play lots of different games in the bedroom.
Y/n: You know I love that a lot, but the kids are here and I want to do lots of fun things while playing with you.
Arizona: Now I'm thinking about your gorgeous and sexy body.
Y/n: It isn't that sexy anymore since I gave birth to Rosey.
Arizona: Listen to me and listen carefully when I say that you have to stop insulting my wife. She is the prettiest and most beautiful women on this entire planet. She makes me the happiest and is the best mom to our kids.
Y/n: You are so not telling the truth. When you meet my wife you will see that she is the best, most beautiful and sweetest women someone will ever meet.  
Arizona: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too babe.
Arizona: So are you in for a game of chess?
Y/n: We haven't played that in a long time, but I will tell you that I'm so going to beat you.
Arizona: Probably, because you are the smartest of the two of us.
Y/n: Lets just play before we will argue who is the best wife in this marriage.
Arizona: Lets just say that we are the best parents when we are together.
Y/n: Oh Zona, you are the cutest. There's no one in this world that will make me as happy as you and the kids do.

You leaned in and kissed Arizona on the lips. You pulled away and kissed her cheek before grabbing her hand and stroking it with your thumb.

Arizona: There's something else we need to discuss.
Y/n: I know what you want to talk about and I think I made a decision.
Arizona: You did? So what are we gonna do?
Y/n: Before I say something, I want us both to stand behind the decision we make.
Arizona: Of course. That's what we always do.
Y/n: So I was thinking we could do the fellowship together. We could be an even greater team and be better surgeons together.
Arizona: That sounds good, but what about the kids? A fellowship means going back to school and putting in many hours. More time around the hospital then we already spend here.
Y/n: I know, but I believe we can do this together babe. What do you think?
Arizona: I was thinking we could do this fellowship, but the only thing that makes me question this whole situation is our kids.
Y/n: And I get that. I've thought about that too, but I really think we can do this with dr. Herman and be there for the kids.
Arizona: If you believe that we can work this out, then I'm all in aswel. I love you y/n.
Y/n: I love you too.

Arizona cubbed your face in her hand and gave you a deep and passionate kiss. You both pulled away when you both needed air.

Arizona: You know what. Lets skip the game of chess and go to bed. I want to cuddle you all night long.
Y/n: That sounds perfect to me.

It's the next day and you were on your way to see Nicole after bringing the kids to daycare.

Nicole: Please tell me you will take the fellowship.
Arizona: We are willing to do the fellowship.
Y/n: We are doing it on one condition.
Nicole: What is it? More money?
Y/n: No, it's not about money.
Arizona: We know how hard this will be and that it will take a lot of time, but we have to make time to be with our kids. We need to manage this well.
Y/n: We can't let them think that we forgot about them and Rosey is still so little and needs all our attention.
Arizona: So she needs the attention from both her mommies. Is that okay with you?
Nicole: It's not the perfect situation, but I think we can make it work.
Arizona: So when will we start?
Nicole: Right now, because we could use all the time. Oh and we don't have that much time.
Y/n: Uhm what? It's a year right? This fellowship will take a year if I'm not wrong.

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