Don't give up on me

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Arizona: I want something and you clearly don't want that. So that's the end.
Y/n: And what do you want?
Arizona: That doesn't matter. What my mind is telling me is that I don't know if we can stay together because of it.
Y/n: What?!?
Arizona: What I want is maybe even bigger than my love for you.
Y/n: You know what? You don't want to talk to your wife, so I'm leaving. Good luck with making decisions all on your own.
Arizona: Y/n, don't go. It's difficult and I don't know what to do.
Y/n: It's very easy. Talk to me!
Arizona: I can't. I simply can't tell you. It's harder than you think.
Y/n: I will make it easier for you.
Arizona: What do you mean?
Y/n: I will make the decision for you Arizona. So I'm leaving and you need to figure out whatever is going on.
Arizona: No, please don't leave.
Y/n: I will give you time to think about what you really want. Please don't come home before you have figured it all out. Just get your shit together Arizona, I can't take this right now.
Arizona: What did you say to me? You can't do that. What about the kids?
Y/n: I'm sorry for saying that, I shouldn't had said it that way. I will take the kids out for dinner and will spend the night watching spongebob probably. I don't want them to feel that there's something going on between us.
Arizona: Can I hug you?
Y/n: Of course you can.

You stayed in the hug for quite some time before releasing Arizona. Arizona rested her head against yours and looked you deep in the eyes.

Arizona: Please know that I love you so much y/n.
Y/n: I know Zona, I know. And I love you too, but you need to decide what you really want. Otherwise we need to have another difficult conversation.
Arizona: I will see you later. Don't give up on us please.
Y/n: That's up to you Arizona.

You kissed her cheek and walked out of the room and closed the door behind you, leaving Arizona in the on call room.

Arizona: What am I going to do? I've screwed everything up all over again.

After dinner that night
Timothy: That was the best burger I had ever had. Did you like it too Rosey?
Rosey: It was yummy. I missed mama.
Timothy: Why wasn't mama with us? We never go out without her.
Y/n: Mama needed to stay at the hospital for one of the tiny humans. She is being the best kids doctor and make this kid feel much better.
Rosey: Will we see mama before we go to sleep?
Y/n: I don't think so princes. It is a hard case she is working on.
Timothy: She is being the best. Mommy and mama are superheros Rosey. They help as many kids as they can.
Rosey: I love them so much. Our super mommies.
Y/n: Thanks baby. What would you both say if we get you a bath and after it I will read a story before you are going to have some sleep?
Rosey: Can I choose the story?
Y/n: You can girly, what would you want?
Rosey: Can you read the story of Sleeping Beauty?
Y/n: I will, lets get you both all fresh before getting in bed.

You helped them into bad when you got home and washed their hair. Rosey quickly fell asleep once the story ended, but Timothy couldn't sleep so you made some hot choco for the both of you.

Timothy: I think I will go to bed. I'm feeling tired, but thank you for making the hot choco.
Y/n: Of course buddy, everything for my big man.
Timothy: Can I ask you something mommy?
Y/n: What is it Timmy?
Timothy: Did we upset mama? Because she doesn't spend as much time with us as before.
Y/n: No, you haven't done anything. Our work can be really hard and at this moment mama experienced a lot of hard cases at work. She will make time for you soon, she loves you both so much. Never forget that.
Timothy: Mama loves you too mommy. Don't forget that either.
Y/n: You are getting so smart Timothy. You are growing up way to fast. Come on and try to have some sleep.

Around an hour after Timothy fell asleep you could hear keys in the lock of the door. You slowly turned around to see Arizona walking in with red puffy eyes from crying.

Y/n: Hey you, what is wrong?
Arizona: I don't know what to do and I stood in front of the house for almost 20 minutes, not knowing what I would say to you or if I should come in.
Y/n: Just come here and sit on the couch and I will make us some tea first.
Arizona: Can I first give you a kiss? I need a kiss from the best wife there is in this world.
Y/n: Oh Zona, come here.

Arizona walked toward you and she wrapped her arms around your neck. She kissed you lovingly on the lips a few times before pulling away grabbing your hand in hers.

Arizona: Are the kids asleep?
Y/n: Yes, they are asleep and asked for you.
Arizona: I'm so sorry, the last thing I wanted is for them to think I'm not here for them.
Y/n: They know how much you love them and that's what I told them.
Arizona: What did you tell them about me not being here that much lately?
Y/n: That you were working a lot and that we have a difficult job that needs lots of time. They understood that and called us superheroes.
Arizona: They are the best kids and you are the best wife I could wish for and that makes it difficult for what I'm about to tell you.
Y/n: So did you made your decision?
Arizona: I did, but before that I need to tell you something else. 
Y/n: Do I need to worry about what it's coming?
Arizona: Just listen to me please. Together, we laugh at our jokes. And together, I will always be there for you, respecting your thoughts and talking with you. Making you laugh when you're feeling down. Enjoying our life at its best and worst. Loving you all day from morning till night. Together at heart, no matter how far apart. These things you know to be true now, and all our days after.
Y/n: I don't know what to say, but I love you.
Arizona: I love you too, but I don't know if that's enough anymore.
Y/n: Arizona, please tell me what is on your mind. Maybe you make it harder than that it all is.
Arizona: I want to have another baby and you don't want that. So there is nothing more to say!
Y/n: Is that all? You scared me to death Zona.
Arizona: But what do we do now?
Y/n: Lets make a baby.
Arizona: What? You didn't wanted to have a baby.
Y/n: Zona, please listen to me. I never said that I don't want to have another child with you. I just didn't expected it and it was all so sudden, but seeing how much you want this, that makes me realize that the love we have is so much bigger than I ever imagined having with someone.
Arizona: So, are we really going to do this?
Y/n: We are going to have another beautiful baby together.
Arizona: Are you mad at me? I've been so stupid about all this.
Y/n: I will never be mad at you, but I wished you would have just told me this sooner.
Arizona: I know, like I said, I've been stupid.
Y/n: It's a good thing I always love you, even when you are being a little stupid.

You cupped her face in your hands and gave her a passionate kiss that lasted for a few minuted. You both pulled away when you needed air and heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Rosey: Mommy, I can't sleep. I had a scary dream.
Y/n: Oh come here baby girl.
Rosey: Mama! I missed you.
Arizona: Come and you can sleep besides mommy and me.
Y/n: Yes, princes. Lets get all to bed.

You all got into bed after you and Arizona changed into your pajamas.

Y/n: Princes, what was the bad dream about?
Rosey: Mama was gone and we couldn't find her anywhere.
Arizona: Oh honey, I'm here and I'm never leaving you. I will always be here with you.
Y/n: We will never leave you, you and your brother mean the world to us.
Rosey: I love you so so so much.
Arizona: We love you and your brother so so so much too. Lets try to have some sleep.
Rosey: Will you cuddle me mama?
Arizona: I will hold you close baby. Mommy can tell you that she always sleeps the best when I'm holding her close to me.
Rosey: Is that true mommy?
Y/n: Your mama is right big girl. When she holds me close I always have the best dreams. It's one of her many superpowers.
Rosey: Mama is a superhero. I'm so tired.
Arizona: Lets all close our eyes to have a goodnight sleep.

You all woke up the next morning and Timothy slowly walked towards your sleeping room.

Arizona: Morning babe. Did you sleep well?
Y/n: I slept amazing, how about you?
Arizona: I had a really good sleep.

You quickly kissed her lips and she took you hand in hers, just over Rosey, without waking her. The door slowly opened and you saw Timmy standing in front of the door.

Timothy: Mommy, mama, are you still asleep?
Y/n: No, baby. Do you want to come in bed with us? Your sister stayed with us last night and we both have the day off today.
Timothy: Can we have a fun family day?

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