This is the moment

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Arizona: Wake up beautiful. We need to get out of bed soon.
Y/n: Hi you, how did you sleep?
Arizona: I slept amazing. How was your sleep?
Y/n: Great, our girly peanut was really calm.
Arizona: Oh, maybe she also had a good sleep.
Y/n: And there she is awake. That kick was really hard.
Arizona: Can I feel it?
Y/n: Of course. It's on the right side.

Arizona put her hand on your belly and felt the little bubba kicking around.

Arizona: Those are really hard kicks. She is an active girl.
Y/n: It's not all the time. There are moments where she plays like my belly is a jungle.
Arizona: Lets get some breakfast and then we can walk around the woods.
Y/n: Can we stay here some more minutes?
Arizona: Of course we can. Do you want to lay in my arms?
Y/n: Nothing I would love more. Zona, I love you so much.
Arizona: I love you too babe. I never thought I could be so happy.
Y/n: Uhm there's a knock on the door I think. Do you expect someone?
Arizona: That's probably the breakfast service. They are earlier than I asked them to be here. I will go and get everything and set it all up.
Y/n: I will change so we can have breakfast in a few minutes.
Arizona: Be careful while changing. I know you have troubles putting on your pants.
Y/n: Funny you. Go to the door before they leave.
Arizona: Okay miss grumpy.

Arizona kissed your cheek before putting on her robe and walking towards the door. You started to get out of the bed to get changed while Arizona got to the door of the cabin.

Arizona: Y/n?!?
Y/n: What is it Arizona?
Arizona: It's not the breakfast service at the door.
Y/n: Uhm okay. So who is there?
Arizona: You will not believe it.
Y/n: Okay, I'm here, so who is it?
Arizona: Look for yourself babe.
Y/n: Ugh okay. You are being so annoying.
Arizona: Stop being so childish and look.

You finally turned your head toward the door and you couldn't believe your eyes at what you saw. A smile spread on your face at the surprise that was at the door.

Y/n: Oh my god. How? But I don't understand this.
Timothy: Mommy!
Y/n: Hey big guy. I missed you so much last night.
Timothy: Missed you too.
Arizona: It was supposed to be a surprise for later, but here he already is.
Daniel: We are sorry, but he was so upset this morning and said he missed you both.
Barbara: We thought we could bring him sooner, because he started crying a lot. Oh and look at his outfit, he picked it himself.
Y/n: You look so cute. You don't have to cry. We are here now to give you millions of cuddles.
Timothy: Love you mama and mommy.
Arizona: We love you too buddy. Come inside mom and dad. We will have breakfast soon and you can join us.
Barbara: No, you can enjoy the time together with the three of you. We will go back home.
Daniel: We will go and have lunch together when we get back. Have fun.
Arizona: Thank you so much for doing this.
Daniel: Of course honey. We will do everything for the three of you.
Y/n: I love you both. You are so amazing.
Barbara: We love you too. Now go and have breakfast together. We will see you soon.
Timothy: Bye, love you. Me happy.
Daniel: We love you too. Have fun with mama and mommy.

They got in their car and drove away. You walked inside with Timmy and he looked around the cabin.

Y/n: This trip just got even better than I imagined. Having my two big loves with me at this amazing place.
Arizona: Oh look. There's the breakfast. I will get it and you two can go sit at the kitchen island.

Arizona quickly kissed your lips before walking back to the door to get the breakfast.

Timothy: Me kiss too!
Arizona: Of course. You will get my best kiss. I will change quickly so we can have breakfast together.
Y/n: Come here Timothy, we will set up the table.
Timothy: Me hungry. Pancakes?
Y/n: I don't know Timmy, lets have a look what is inside this cute little basket.

You had an amazing weekend together with the three of you and were now back home for some weeks. At the moment you are now 32 weeks pregnant.

Carina: So she is coming right now?
April: Yes, she is on her way.
Carina: Okay, lets get ready.
Jo: It's happening? Is it really happening?
Carina: Yes. It's time. I know it's a little early, but it's fine.
Amelia: I heard the news. When will she be here?
April: Soon. She called me like 10 minutes ago.
Amelia: Do you think it will all be okay?
Carina: There is nothing to worry about right now. All the scans looked good, so I think it will be fine.

The ambulance pulled up outside the ER and the doors opened fast.

Arizona: It's happening. Where is Carina?!?
Carina: I'm here. I'm already here. Lets get to the room.
Y/n: It's to soon. Aaaah it hurts so much.
Arizona: Listen to me. You are doing great babe. Breath in, breath out. Deep breaths.
Carina: Arizona is right. Deep breaths will help you a lot.
Arizona: I know it's early, but it's okay. It's all going to be fine.
Carina: You still want to do it as planned?
Y/n: Yes. No drugs, I can't do drugs.
Carina: That's okay. It will probably take some time, but we will be here with you.
Arizona: I will not leave your side.
Y/n: You better not leave my side.
Arizona: Only maybe like a minute when I have to go to the bathroom.
Y/n: So not funny. You are terrible! Aaaah!
Arizona: Breath in and out. Breath with me babe.
Y/n: I can't breath. I-I can't.
Carina: What is it? Y/n, I know it's hard, but you have to calm down a bit.
Y/n: No, I-I can't b-breath.
Arizona: Wait! She has a panic attack. Look at me. You need to breath with me.
Carina: Listen to Arizona. You need to breath, it's better for your little girl.
Arizona: Come on, look at me please.
Y/n: Aaaah I-I c-can't.
Arizona: Yes, you can. Please be strong. Our girl needs us. She needs you right now! I need you right now as much as you need me. Breath babe.
Y/n: I-I love y-you. Aaaaaaaah.

Arizona kissed your temple and stroked your head.

Carina: You are doing great.

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