Chapter 7: A Creature of the Sea

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For days Drake had been walking alongside the river where he had found Anne. Once again, he was in unfamiliar territory. He wasn't sure whether he was going in the right direction, but he had to choose. Either follow the river flow itself or head toward its source. He only had one shot. If he makes a mistake, he will surely die of starvation before reaching the town. He chose to follow the flow of the river. Yet he got weaker as the hours went by. The only reason he was able to push himself to the limit trying to reach his destination. He knew if he didn't, death was a certainty. It wasn't until he had reached the end of his journey when he realized he chose poorly. Stepping out of the woods, he was faced with a massive body of water as far as the eye could see.

He sat down next to a tree on the coast, exhausted from the long sleepless march. This was it. Going back wasn't an option since he would probably die before getting back. He desperately needed rest but knew he couldn't have it. He was going to die here all alone and nobody would know what happened to him.

Then there was rustling in a nearby bush. A small whimpering noise could be heard. Drake got up to investigate. Pushing aside the leaves, Drake saw a weird creature about the size of a small dog. Gray scales covered its entire body with yellow markings all over its back in a seemingly random pattern. Its large green fin like tail slowly swung side to side. Drake's eyes shifted toward its face. Its head resembled that of a snake with two large green fins on the sides of its head and reptilian which intimidated Drake. However, it was looking down toward its leg. Drake followed its eyes and noticed it was caught in a bear trap. The leg was bleeding from the trap's teeth.

The creature noticed Drake and frilled its fins in a threatening pose towards him and tried to spit something at him. Drake's stomach growled, begging for sustenance. It was weak and vulnerable. It won't be able to fight back. It's basically a meal served on a silver platter. Drake thought. Yet, despite his hunger. He felt something in his gut telling him not to do it. It just wasn't right. In some ways, this situation reminded him of Sasha. How helpless he felt when he couldn't save her. He sighed, slightly annoyed at himself. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." he said softly as he slowly approached.

The creature hissed threateningly like it was ready to bite him, but Drake did not relent. He approached the trap itself and grabbed it. Surprisingly the trap wasn't too difficult to open. Despite his weak state, he effortlessly pulled the trap apart and the creature pulled its foot out. Then Drake let go and the trap snapped shut.

Shaking from a lack of sugar in his body he stood back up. "You're free to go." the creature started making its way toward the water.

"Hey!" someone shouted.

Drake looked toward the trees to find three people. Each with different weapons. There was a newt that had a bow, a frog with a spear, and a toad with a large axe. Each of them also had a sword strapped to their side.

"That was ours!" the toad yelled.

"Who are you?" Drake asked.

"We're just legitimate hunters. Trying to make a living. What are you doing here?" the frog asked.

"I'm just lost, trying to find my friends." Drake answered.

"You're getting in the way of our hunt." the newt answered.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get in your way, I'll just go somewhere else." Drake said trying to lower the tension. He was about to leave when the hunters spoke up.

"Hold on a second. We've been out here for weeks trying to catch that snapdragon. I think you owe us for releasing our game." newt said.

"I'm sorry but I don't have any money." Drake replied.

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