Part 4

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Azmina followed the older male out into the living room to join the others. Jungwon and Niki were still in the same position on the couch but Sunoo and Jake had joined them. They were all intently watching whatever was on the tv not even glancing at the two that had walked in. Azmina just let them be and sat down on the chair that was next to the couch as Sunghoon sat with his partners on the couch.

Looking at the tv, Azmina saw one of their old performances of Blessed-Cursed. She watched, remembering the choreography silently humming along. She hadn't noticed how she was slightly twitching as her body played each move in her head. Jungwon noticed the slight movement to his right and looked over to see Azmina slightly doing each move as she focused on the video.

Jungwon slightly tapped Niki's leg not looking away from the girl. He wanted his members to see the small girl dancing in mini. He thought it was cute how her body couldn't help but move to their music. The leader also found it adorable how she knew every move.

Niki watched the girl with Jungwon while getting the attention of his partners. Now all five boys were watching their new choreographer as she hummed along to their song.

Azmina looked away from the TV feeling eyes on her. She turned to the men making eye contact with Jungwon immediately, making the girl's eyes widen in embarrassment.

"Yah! What are you looking at!" Kira yelled in English, shocking the boys. Niki bursted out in laughter as Heeseung ran in from the kitchen. Sunoo joined Niki in his fit of laughter. Causing the two to start wheezing on the floor, finding the chaos hilarious.

"That's enough," Jungwon mumbled to the two on the floor immediately shutting them up. He looked at Azmina apologetically as Heeseung started to question everyone on what had happened. Azmina just shrugged her shoulders saying that it was ok. She was used to the chaos so it didn't bother her too much. However she was still really embarrassed about being stared at by her idols and yelling at them, she felt bad.

"Sorry Heeseung, I was just caught off guard. Everythings fine." Azmina explained to the tall male. Heeseung sighed and nodded his head before stating that he will go back to help Jay. As soon as Heeseung left the room Niki broke out laughing, apparently not being able to hold it in.

"Niki, I said that's enough. Come sit down." Jungwon ordered still, not even raising his voice or changing his expression. That didn't change the fear that Niki felt as he listened to his leader. Azmina couldn't help but shrink a little at the dominance that was coming from the red head.

"Anyways, sorry for scaring you Azmina! We just didn't know you knew our songs," Sunoo jumped in interrupting the silence. Azmina internally thanked Sunoo for his inability to sit in silence.

"I consider it part of my job to know your music." The girl explained, not mentioning that she's been listening to them for years now. They're actually what made her start learning Korean. She would never tell them that though.

"How fast did you learn the choreography? I mean you've only known about the job for like a week now, right?" Jake asked Azmina, slightly sitting up. Azmina nodded her head at the puppy dog like male, copying his action and sitting up.

"It only took me a day, I didn't really have anything to do before now and I've always been a fast learner." That was the truth she did learn it in a day. Just years back when the song came out. Azmina laughed at the thought of younger Azmina learning their dances in her room. Sweaty, tired, and frustrated. Everytime she would get frustrated with herself for messing up a move or timing but she would always get it eventually. She still gets frustrated though, that trait hasn't changed.

"Wow that's awesome! How long have you been dancing? I bet you're amazing! You-" Sunoo rambled. He wanted to continue but stopped when Jungwon gave him a look telling him to stop. Azmina laughed at the interaction before answering his question.

"I have always danced since I was five. I took random breaks to try other things but I always went back to dance. Dance and singing." Azmina added the last bit remembering her love for music and singing. Always being in choir and voice lessons. All the hours spent in her room closet belting out notes she hoped nobody heard.

"Dinners ready!" Jay's voice interrupted the group's conversation and Sunoo's, about to be asked, question. The five boys plus Azmina all got up to head to the kitchen, Jake and Sunoo rushing ahead of them. Azmina slowly walked behind them waiting for the boys to take their seats guessing that they all had their normal seats.

"Come sit, the chair next to Niki is free." Jay told the small girl. Azmina sighed listening to the older boy. Sitting down she smelled the delicious meat that was sitting in the middle of the table. It smelled heavenly and she couldn't wait to dig in.

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