part 14

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It’s been a week since Kira’s shaking fit and Heeseung of course had to tell everyone. The boys wouldn’t let Kira do anything. Jay even decided to carry her around every time she tried to walk somewhere in the house. It got to the point Kira was trying to hide from them. She would sneak around every time she wanted a snack or needed to go to the bathroom. She tried to go to the dance studio a couple times but Niki was always there and would carry her back to her room or the couch.

At first it was really sweet but now it was just annoying. Kira was currently once again in Sunoo’s lap being hugged like a stuffed animal. He had become her new cuddle buddy and really didn’t mind but right now he was basically keeping her hostage because all day she had tried to do things on her own.

“That's it,” Kira mumbled. “LET ME GO” Sunoo jumped at Kira’s outburst immediately releasing his grip on the girl. Kira jumped up and started yelling out words that Sunoo couldn’t understand. Her loud screaming caused the attention of everyone else in the house, leading them all to be watching the girl as she continued to go on a rant.

“I am not helpless! I do not need a babysitter! I am perfectly fine! I do not need your help!” Jake slowly walked towards the girl as she yelled in english. The aussie smiled at Sunoo reassuring him it’s ok as he put his hand on Kira’s shoulder. Kira jumped in surprise, having her back facing the others this whole time, she didn’t notice them.

“Kira…” Jake whispered. Kira turned around revealing her teary eyes and scrunched up face. “He doesn’t understand you.” Jake didn’t sound angry or hurt. His voice was soft and comforting. So gentle it made Kira’s whole demeanor soften. She wanted to break down and completely drown in his comfort, but she knew she couldn’t.

“It’s ok, take a breath.” his words told her she could, she could be vulnerable, she could cry. This, however, shouldn't even be something to cry over. Her want for comfort and her hate of feeling weak were constantly at war. Fighting with herself everyday over this was finally getting to her and Sunoo just happened to be too close to the explosion.

“I’m sorry…” Kira moved away from Jake’s touch as she apologized to Sunoo. She couldn’t look him in the face, though. She couldn’t look at anyone really. Her head hung low and her hands hid in her pockets. She didn’t know what to do; how to change the atmosphere. She just wanted the guys to go back to what they were doing but right now they were too busy looking at her.

Kira tried to back away, an attempt at making it to her room, but she was blocked. Kira bumped into a body and froze in her tracks. She heard one of the guys, she assumed Niki, let out a quiet cackle. Like some evil villian in a Disney movie. “Where do you think you're going?” Jungwon’s voice filled her ears causing her whole face to heat up. “It’s movie night, remember?”

Suddenly Kira felt two arms wrapped around her torso and the next thing she knew she was in the air being carried back to the couch. Jungwon sat down leaving Kira to be once again in someone's lap. “Yeah Kira! Someone fell asleep last time!” Heeseung teased as he made his way to the kitchen, probably going to make ramen.

Kira was extremely confused, just a second ago the air was thick and everyone looked worried. How are they all so suddenly goofy again? Kira decided not to think about it too much and just let herself forget about it.
Kira let out a laugh as Sunghoon was once again messing with Sunoo, causing Sunoo to let out a loud whine and go on a rant about how he should leave him alone. Kira really appreciated this group. They really did know how to make her feel better and she had never felt more at home.

Jungwon watched Kira as she laughed along with the others. He didn’t know what was happening or what they were talking about. He was too focused on the girl's beautiful smile, her loud laugh, and the way she held onto his arm through it all. She didn’t let go of him not once; whether she was holding onto his finger or resting her hand on his arms; she didn’t break contact.

With one last look, Jungwon joined in on their conversation. A small smile on his face.

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