part 13

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“Sorry sorry.” Heeseung stumbled over his words and feet as he attempted to walk further in the room. Kira watched in amusement as the tall man dropped himself on the couch. Heeseung coughed a little as he pushed himself up on the couch, trying to act like he didn’t just fall. “Is that your food?” Heeseung pointed to the still full plate.

“Uh yea I’m not as hungry as I thought I would be.” Kira shrugged, turning back to her soundboard. Heeseung watched the girl, brows furrowing.

“How long have you been awake?” Kira paused for a second before shrugging her shoulders. Heeseung sat up more, not believing her. “Kira, how long?” Kira once again shrugged her shoulders mumbling an ‘I don’t know’. The male sighed, leaning forward.

“Not everyone has the same food schedule. I’m fine; you don’t have to worry.” Kira reassured him. She’s had to have this conversation multiple times in her life. People always assume she was forming an eating disorder or that she’s depressed. At a time those might have been true, but now this was just her.

Once again Heeseung sighed but he sat back anyway and let himself relax. “Ok.” Kira continued on with her work and writing lyrics but once again the other person in the room interrupted.

“Do you think I could have the rest of your food?” Kira could hear the anticipation in his voice and smiled thinking about how his face might look right now. She could imagine his bambi eyes lighting up and his cheeky grin. However, she didn’t dare turn around in fear of becoming a complete fangirl at Heeseungs cuteness.

“Yeah go ahead! I wasn’t gonna eat it anyways.” Kira cringed, realizing what she was admitting to. The girl looked at the man who was already next to her with her food expecting anger or disappointment. She was wrong, his eyes were lighting up just as she had imagined a second ago. She wanted to capture this moment and keep it forever but she refrained from grabbing her phone and just enjoyed the sight.

“Thank you! You’re cooking is amazing!” Heeseung dug in, consuming everything, not even taking a moment to breathe. He was like a child, brightening everything around him. A side of Heeseung Kira hadn’t been able to see in person.

After a while the two ended up in silence. Kira spent a lot of time creatively emptying her brain to the point of exhaustion. Heeseung had gotten worried but he didn’t want to interrupt her because he knows what it’s like to not want to stop working. So he just left her alone for a while, but when he heard the girl complain about her hand shaking he had to make her stop.

When he looked at her hands they were more than just shaking. They wouldn’t stop moving and Kira had almost no control over them. She had clearly overworked herself but Kira didn’t seem phased by it at all. A matter of fact, she seemed more worried about not being able to continue working.

After some time of convincing Kira, he finally got her to leave the studio. He sat her on the couch in the living room next to Sunoo before sitting down himself. Sunoo was more than happy to have the two keep him company as he watched one of his fashion shows. The male had a new found big smile on his face and subconsciously leaned closer to Kira. The girl let it happen feeling more than exhausted.

Kira eventually ended up falling asleep with Sunoo hugging her, Kira almost completely in his lap. Heeseung smiled at the two as he wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. The three were in heaven, complete comfort. Making Heeseung and Sunoo realize something. Something they didn’t know if they wanted to admit.

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