part 11

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"Kira, can I borrow you for a sec?” Sunoo barged into the girls room not noticing her on the phone. Sunoo let out a small gasp realizing his mistake. He was about to turn back around but stopped when he saw Kira’s hand out telling him to stop.

“Sí Nana estoy bien.” Sunoo listened as the girl spoke Spanish then continued to speak in english. “No, I haven't talked to the mother y no voy a!” He watched  as the girl listened to the person on the other line, not understanding anything she had said. “Yea yea I know, love you,  bendición” With that Kira hung up and looked at the cute boy at her door.

Kira sighed looking at his confused expression. “Sorry about that, it was family.” She stood up off her bed, showing her iconic oversized black hoodie. “What is it that you needed?”

“Oh um, I just wanted to show you something!” Sunoo quickly went back to his normal perky deminer, the part of Sunoo that Kira quite admired. Kira nodded her head ignoring the questions already running through her head. Sunoo hopped in excitement as he turned around already walking to wherever he was taking the choreographer.

Kira followed behind silently, randomly fixing her thigh-high socks and twiddling with her curly undone hair. Sunoo opened the door to the dance studio. As the two walked in she noticed the other 6 boys standing in the room immediately going silent as they walked past them.

Kira gave them all a questioning look but just pulled her sleeves over her hands and stayed silent. “Ok! Go open that door,” Sunoo pointed to the door in the far corner of the room, a door that Kira never even noticed.

Following his instruction Kira opened the door and flipped the light switch, brightening up the pitch black room.
“A music studio…?” Kira turned around to the idols, immediately making eye contact with Niki. No words were exchanged but Niki’s head nod was enough to let Kira know that this room was her’s. Walking in, Kira stared at the pink padded walls and the pink heart couch and the pink mic on the other side of the glass wall. “This is really for me?”

“It was all Niki’s idea,” Jay explained with a smile, sitting down on the couch. “He’s been feeling bad about your first day here so he did this, with our help, to give you a better welcome” Kira smiled, her face getting red as she tried to hold back her emotions.

Turning to Niki the girl hesitated but couldn’t help but go up to him and give him a hug. All of them were caught by surprise but not as much as the young maknae. Slowly the tall male wrapped his arms around the girl awkwardly hugging her back.

“Thank you Niki” Kira could feel the uncomfort coming from Niki and decided it was best to let go. Little did she know, Niki actually quite enjoyed their small moment letting a frown grow on his face as she let go. “Um anyways how did you even know I like to sing?”

“Don’t you remember, you told us! ” Jake explained with a smile. Kira had actually completely forgotten ever mentioning her love for making music. She just shrugged her shoulders, not caring enough to remember.

"Look, Kira," Jungwon started, stepping up from behind the others. "We know that you aren't too fond of us but we really hope that this studio will show that regardless we really do enjoy having you here." Again Kira's face got red when the redhead in front of her stared into her eyes.

Kira hadn't felt this cared for in a really long time and she honestly forgot how good it felt. Looking at the seven boys in front of her, she decided she couldn't keep being so cold to them. They've done nothing but be nice to her and she's been nothing but distant and rude.

Yet they still went the extra mile for her and did something to make her feel so welcomed.

Kira let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding as a small tear ran down her cheek. "...Thanks guys"

Dancing With A StrangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora