Part 5

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Everyone had grabbed their food, Azmina being the last as she didn't want to change their routine. They all started eating, all having their own conversations, not really paying attention to their new roommate. They were so caught up in their conversations that most of them didn't notice the small girl eating with her hand covering her mouth. Well with Niki being an exception.

"Why do you do that?" Niki whispered. Azmina slightly looked at him from the corner of her eye.

"Do what?" She asked looking back at her food, not wating to draw much atention to herself.

"Your hand hasn't moved from your face this whole time," Niki continued to try and keep his voice down but you could hear the aggrivation in his tone.

"It's just a habit," Azmina shrugged chewing on another piece of meat. Her hand still covering her mouth.

"It's bothering me, stop it." Niki demanded voice raising slightly.

"Um sorry but no." Azmina side eyed him, confused by his aggressive behavior. He's been acting like this since she walked in. With the exception of her embarissing herself in the living room.

"So you do it on purpose?" Niki asked still seeming annoyed. Voice raising again. Azmina slightly lent back at the new voice level from Niki.

"Why is this such a big deal to you?!" Azmina yelled this time feeling attacked.

"It's just bothering me!" Niki yelled back. At this point the others were watching the interaction as confused as ever. They didn't even know what the two were arguing about it.

"Sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that!"

"You can stop!"

"No!" Azmina slammed her hands on the table having enough.

"Hey! What is going on!" Jay jumped in, stopping the two from getting any louder. Jake had started to pout, upset that it was Azmina's first day here and she was already arguing with one of the boys. "Guys, please don't fight," Jake begged the two. Azmina couldn't help but soften at the sight of the gray haired boy. His golden retriever boyfriend energy was too cute for the girl to stay upset.

Sighing, Azmina sat up no longer in the mood to eat. "Sorry guys. The food was great, thanks Jay" with that and a bow the girl was gone going back to her room. The idols all looked to Niki for an explanation as soon as they couldn't see Azmina anymore.

"Niki-ah! We were trying to welcome Azmina not fight with her!" Sunoo spoke up mad at the younger boy. Niki just shook his head slumping further into his seat. The maknae could feel the stares coming from his partners. Their anger burned holes into his skin. Not wanting to deal with it anymore Niki got up and left for his room shared with Heeseung.

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