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Chapter 26 Tasting Food

Cosmic rays can indeed cause mutations in some plants and animals.

But if it is said that most animals and plants mutate, and the direction of mutation is highly toxic, it seems a bit unreasonable.

The little yellow duck stared at Yunxi with raised eyes, and Yunxi's heart shrank suddenly. It was obvious that they wanted to go somewhere.

However, it shouldn't be possible, right?

With a forced smile, Yunxi said, "I asked someone to destroy the last batch. What's wrong?

" In the late stage, right? Humans died in large numbers in the early days, and they were supported by abundant food before the end of the world. In the late stage... are you sure that person didn't steal it?"

"What stealing? It's too harsh for you to say it, Adu is not that kind of person!"

"Is it that kind of person, the host, you know in your heart. After you were poisoned, the farm also produced highly poisonous, and the products produced in it must also be. If it is not destroyed normally, those who eat those poisonous vegetables and fruits... quack , host, let me give you a suggestion, never let anyone know your true identity!"

"Otherwise you must die a miserable death~" The

little yellow duck fiddled with the feathers under its wings with its beak, and the rare voice was trembling The tone is that the tone is so low that people can't help but want to hit it.

"You're overthinking! It's not the same thing at all! After I found out that I was poisoned, I planned to transfer and dispose of the farm products, and later even burned the crops reluctantly..."

Yunxi heard herself saying this.

She was right, she did.

However, after being poisoned, her body became weaker and weaker, and her control over the people around her also...weakened.

But those people are all old people who have been with them for more than ten or twenty years. Which one is not loyal? She asked them to dispose of the poisonous vegetables and fruits, no matter whether they were burned or buried, or frozen for a long time, they could not be eaten by anyone.

How the hell did they do it? Did you listen to her?

At that time, Yunxi was almost unable to move, and there was nothing she could do if she didn't listen. She was going to die and had done everything that could be done.

Yunxi persuaded herself like this, but there was a great fear in her heart—she was afraid, afraid that Adu and the others would just take advantage of her loopholes after listening to her.

After the vegetables and fruits containing toxins rot, even the soil is poisonous! If vegetables are planted on it...

or the seeds left behind are hybridized with normal vegetables...

not eaten by humans, but fed by livestock that produce meat...

such a cycle will cause a large-scale spread of toxins!

Perhaps the toxin weakens, and it won't kill people for a while, but this toxin will follow a person for a lifetime, and it is difficult to eradicate. All future generations...

Once again, Yunxi refreshed her understanding of the cruelty of human nature.

Or, she asked herself psychologically: "You die when you die, and you feel that you have no regrets. But do you underestimate the pain they suffered after losing you? They have been with you for more than ten years, for the good deeds you have always done It's a good thing, but it doesn't mean they are good people!"

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