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Chapter 96: Great Crisis

The military ranks of the Interstellar Federation are from bottom to top, including soldiers: privates, privates, and sergeants: corporal, sergeant, and sergeant. Lieutenant-level officers are second lieutenants, lieutenants, and captains, and field-level officers include majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels. Then there is the general level, the handsome level.

When Yunxi joined the army in the first day of junior high school, she could only be a "private soldier" at the lowest level. It took two or three years to be promoted to a private. Afterwards, it depends on the background ability, whether the individual is outstanding or not, only the meritorious service will have the opportunity to continue to be promoted. Otherwise, ordinary interstellar people would have to leave the army with the honor of a private.

However, what the army lacks the most is talent. Those with supernatural abilities will always be treated differently when they enlist in the army—skip the initial soldier stage, jump two levels, and be awarded the rank of "corporal".

Of course, the premise is that you have to pass the most basic military training and pass all the qualifications. It cannot be said that you can't even pass the most basic items, then it is too unreasonable.

After completing the mission of the "stability maintenance force", Yunxi officially returned to the recruit training camp to receive devil training. After a thousand years, there is nothing new about veterans torturing recruits. It is nothing more than all kinds of oppression, from psychological to physical persecution.

Running with weights, obstacles, and running over mountains is nothing, just throw a small group of recruits into the jungle without food, face all kinds of wild animals, go get food yourself, and deal with fog, swamps, Special environment such as toxic gas.

In short, the first three months of recruit training are not human life. How many people train and train, and it will be useless!

Not an exaggeration, the boot camp is the place where accidents are most likely to happen. Many recruits couldn't accept the high-intensity test and collapsed hysterically. And once stress disorder occurs in the psychological defense line, is it difficult to guarantee that there will not be a second round? This kind of person is difficult to take on a big job. No matter how good his talent is, it is still in vain. He can only be sent to the most boring and low-level jobs. After squeezing the last bit of benefits, he is directly kicked out of the army.

Just like the big waves washing the sand, only the gold that has survived all kinds of hardships has the chance to shine. The rest is naturally waste to set off the essence.

Of course, the recruit camp is also a time to quickly establish "combat friendship". Many recruits "share weal and woe". Under the pressure of extreme training, they get to know each other, understand each other, eat and live together, and help each other, which also deepens their relationship. After the training is over, maybe the opportunities are different for each other, and it will be difficult to see each other in different places, but the friendship we get along with will be remembered in our hearts. If there is trouble, say hello, anyone who can help will help.

In short, it's hero time.

Yunxi also established a new image for herself during the recruit training. Everyone thought she was weak, very weak. Look at her slender waist and not much flesh on her face, how many blows can she resist? Although there is a supernatural power, but the supernatural power can make the seeds germinate? May I ask what role it can play during recruit training?

No matter which team she was assigned to, every team complained that there was a laggard, and they always refused to take her. After all, at this moment, it's not the time to be sympathetic, no one is strong enough to wear an extra tail after training.

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