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Chapter 216 Visiting Group

Which type of heroine in "Longing" is Yun Xi's most hated? Why should a woman be virtuous and give, and endure the pain of falling in love with a scumbag? Is the only way out, is to wait for the prodigal son to return?

Can't you just turn around and walk away freely?

Therefore, she does not regard love as her only pursuit. The zombie virus is rampant in the last days, she never thought of relying on a man, let alone loving a man wholeheartedly, and then expecting the return from that man, letting her sit back and enjoy, waiting for that man to bring her safety, warmth and honor.

She made a breakthrough by herself, and she was proud, proud.

Watching this popular drama in the interstellar era gave me a different feeling. The longing "Hui Fang" gave her the impression that she is no longer a woman who is blindly sacrificing for love, but has strong beliefs, kindness and strength. In a certain way, she has the female virtues pursued in Chinese civilization .

She seems... not as good as her.

"Mom, Xiao Luo is thirsty!"

Yun Xi's eyes were a little watery, and she casually patted Xiao Luo's head - no wonder the child couldn't sit still, there were only a few spectators left, even fewer than the actors on stage!

"Let's go."

Yunxi collected her mood and left the theater holding her son's hand. Before leaving, I seriously wrote "viewing experience" to the staff: the background was not explained clearly, and the audience was too far away! There is a generation gap between the actor's personality and the audience! There is not much conflict in the main plot, and audiences who don't understand the background can't understand it at all! It is recommended to solve these problems before doing the show. Otherwise, it's just a good show for nothing!

The staff glanced at the "suggestion", but was a little surprised to write a lot of words.

But interstellar people come to watch the play, just to watch the excitement, how can they understand? After coping with it casually, he closed the proposal book and sent him off respectfully.

Seeing the attitude of the performance staff, Yunxi shook her head, it seems that Yunlan Planet can't expect the most artistic performance in the entertainment industry - the drama can make money. In the future, I will make related movies and TV series, but I don't know if the background can be solved.

In addition to the depressed drama industry, there are also acrobatic performances and magic shows. These are more popular. The scene was crowded with people, and Xiao Luo was very unhappy as he slipped around in the crowd.

Moreover, when others watch the magic trick, they are all amazed at the moment, feeling the astonishment of being deceived by their vision. When you see something superb, you will applaud in unison. Xiao Luo is not, he likes to tear things apart.

With his high IQ and sharp eyes, he can see with certainty and ruthlessness.

"Ha, you changed the cards! I saw you hid a poker card in your sleeve!" "

You just moved like this, you bent your wrist and shook the dice out!" "

I guessed it, this box is It's specially made, don't think I don't know, you are not lying flat and let someone insert a knife. You are bending your body, and the actual person is not in the box at all!" Tell me the secret of other people's magic in one bite


This is the most annoying audience! The magician's angry face changed, and the staff came over and issued an order to evict the guest rudely.

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