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Chapter 78 Ability "Awakening"

Holding the admission notice is like getting a pass. After standing under a door plaque that says "Interstellar University City Key Basic School", the pass will automatically overflow with a series of code numbers. The original stone gate melted into a circle, just enough to allow Yunxi and Jingxi to pass through.

It's still a closed school!

After walking in and looking back, the stone gate had returned to its original state, Yunxi couldn't help but wonder, it's obviously a school in virtual space, should it be so strict? Everyone is a conscious body, if you want to pass through this door—

"I advise you not to." Jing Xi's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, "The conscious body is invisible, but human emotions are real, and they can Affect the health of the body. Think about it, if the conscious body is injured and there is no cure, how terrible it would be."


"That's right, but the understanding is a bit one-sided. I said, it is indeed very slow. It is a good idea for the interstellar people to make gene replacement, but the frontal lobe of the brain can not be improved by ordinary gene replacement! It is a bit of a quenching thirst. If there are steps and targeted It will not develop into a genetic disease and spread."

"Oh, by the way, the host doesn't know the prefrontal lobe, right? You can understand it as the evolving brain, creativity, invention ability, analytical thinking ability... everything represents human wisdom The crystallization of the frontal lobe is all credit! But it is still in the process of evolution, not perfect. The human brain still has instincts, such as fear, anxiety, jealousy, etc., which are obviously not beneficial to the individual itself, and affect the improvement. Progress, the individual also knows, but it is useless! It will still be troubled! This is the backward primitive instinct. The stronger the instinct, the lower the influence of the frontal lobe."

"If the conscious body is injured, it can be assumed that the frontal lobe is damaged and shrunk This person is basically useless. There is no wound on the outside, he can eat and sleep, and his IQ is not affected, but he has nothing to look forward to except silently waiting for death!

" Danger! Skynet's virtual space can exist in an orderly manner without any chaos, and more than a billion people silently abide by the rules, because Skynet has a way to severely damage the consciousness of violators."

After some explanations, Yunxi dismissed the idea of ​​"smuggling" by mental power. She thought, she is not a master of psychic abilities, so it is better not to take meaningless risks!

Key elementary schools are different after all. After entering, there are two dedicated guiding robots who are responsible for helping new students with the admission procedures, receiving the schedule, learning props, and then allocating accommodation and canteens.

Accommodation is a place where you can go offline safely. It is a single-person grid arranged and coded according to the admission form. Once you enter, you will never be disturbed. As for the cafeteria, it is ridiculous. They are all conscious bodies and cannot eat, but they pretend to make restaurants, tables, chairs, and menus. In the past in twos and threes, ordering a few drinks that you can't drink at all seems to be very leisurely.

However, Skynet can severely injure the consciousness body, and naturally it can also fool it. Anyone who ordered refreshments and meals could "feel" the aroma of the food.

Anyway, it's just the transmission of nerve signals. When people eat delicious food, it is not the brain that eats it, but the taste buds. Decompose the signal of the taste buds and transmit it to the brain. Doesn't the brain think that it has "eaten"?

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