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Chapter 5 The End of Betrayal

After finishing "Top Ten in My Eyes", Yunxi finally understood the aesthetics of the owner of the villa. It is probably because I have read too many normal books, and the ordinary perspective cannot resonate, so I am very looking for such strange books to read.

It's also strange, this kind of book that reveals privacy can also be published? Why did the descendants of the top ten go? Turn a blind eye to the popularity of this kind of book publication?

Regarding the third book, Yunxi was a little undecided, whether to read it or not? What if I decided to read it and then spit blood out of my anger? She reads these books now, each of them looks like a bomb with a cover on it!

After mental construction for a long time, I kept saying to myself, "Don't you care about the opinions of future generations? Anyway, you live according to your own ideas, and your mouth grows on others, so you can say what you like."

Repeated several times, Yunxi Only then did I open the third book "The Name Doesn't Live Up to Its Truth - Top Ten in My Eyes". Strange, the style of this book has changed again, listing the forgotten superhumans in the history of the last days one by one.

For example, the Lightning Forerunner, the Flame Cheetah, the Ice Sanren...the abilities are repeated with some of the top ten, but they awakened earlier. According to the region, the energy tide is from the outside to the inside. If these people have experienced more than three tides, they are definitely stronger than the top ten!

Unfortunately, they all died.

It turns out that the name does not match the real meaning.

Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief.

I couldn't help standing in the perspective of the top ten, defending the supernatural beings: survival is the premise of everything. No matter how powerful the ability is, if you can't protect yourself, how can you protect others? The lightning forerunner has an impulsive and irritable personality, and he fights and kills his own people whenever he wants; the flaming cheetah burns the people around him every time he gets angry. How can such a person be listed as one of the top ten?

It's a pity that the author's textual research is not too much. He just listed a few people who may have super superpowers, and then said something vaguely, and the metaphor is not very clear.

Yunxi didn't take it seriously, turned to the back, and saw a few lines of densely packed small characters written by someone, after a closer look, she found that it was written——

"If the names of the top ten do not match the reality, then what are the current supernatural beings? Ridiculous! They were just comrades-in-arms and good partners before the end of the world, but they fell apart when they stepped into the interstellar world. Husband and wife turned against each other, friends stabbed knives, and the friendship established by life and death in the last days, It 's not as delicious as power!"

"Respect the Emperor! His selflessness is the reason for the stability of the Federation."

"I despise Lei Zhan! For a woman, even the clansman betrayed! He also made Concubine Se's son the crown prince of the empire! Hehe, Can that poisonous woman have children? The sons born with the Emperor are all dead. It is unreasonable to have children with you, so they won't die. Could it be that you took over the imperial dynasty established by her and the Emperor under the guise of Concubine Se? Another woman gave birth to your son? Shameless!"

What, Lei Zhan betrayed his clansmen!

Yunxi was taken aback.

Before the end of the world, she and Lei Zhan belonged to the same family, so they were naturally a united front, exchanging what they needed. Later, it was found that the home planet was dilapidated and unsuitable for human habitation. She and Lei Zhan suggested interstellar immigration, and handed over their own power to Lei Zhan's control - the premise is that what they want is a free federation, a republic, and people's self-government!

Not some imperial feudalism!

What kind of imperial emperor did the Emperor and Concubine Seki encourage?

How come according to the owner of this book, the Pope is the foundation of the establishment of the Federation?

All this was so different from what she had imagined!

Yunxi couldn't believe that she had trusted her partner for many years and finally betrayed the revolution, and she couldn't believe that Lei Zhan would get better with the murderer who killed her. Didn't he always keep a respectful distance from Concubine Se, that poisonous woman?

how come?

The feeling of the sudden appearance of the facts is similar to that of the ex-boyfriend and best friend of the end of the world teaming up to defraud her of her insurance money. You have known someone for many years, and you only know him by skin, which is really shocking.

Yunxi could barely hold the book in her hand, "Lei Zhan... Concubine Se...the Emperor?"

"Oh ha, I knew that you were hiding here and reading secretly." The crisp voice interrupted Yunxi's thoughts.

Otherwise, if she got stuck in it alone and couldn't pull it out, I'm afraid she might go crazy.


"Who else but me?" Alice patted the robot butler, "Bring me and No. 14 some drinks."

After No. 99 left, Alice approached Yun quietly. Xi, "I think Captain Mechel is very strange. It is said that he is also from a noble family. He can use robots of the sixth and seventh generations, but he must use the third generation. Fortunately, he was the one who notified me just now and asked me to come and see you. You can even 'observe words and colors'! This intelligent program is amazing! It's no worse than the seventh generation."

Why does Yunxi care about whether the robot is good or bad now? He was devoted to "Lei Zhan Mutiny" with both pain and grief, and maybe a sense of pity.

"Alice, can you tell me about the Interstellar Federation...and the Empire?"

"Oh, I should have told you a long time ago. But since you woke up, you don't seem to be very interested in the outside world. Besides, these things will happen sooner or later. Everyone knows, and I didn't tell you." Alice was very calm,

"After humans stepped into the interstellar world, they split into two regimes. Some of them yearn for republic and democracy. Six families out of the top ten are called the Six Great Aristocratic Families. There are also some supernatural talents who jointly formed the Interstellar Federation."

"The remaining part is the empire, with three major families out of the top ten. By the way, Chen Yunxi, the extraordinary, has no descendants. But she is really Amazing, she has not been forgotten after a thousand years of death. She is probably the most mysterious and powerful of the top ten. Otherwise, every time there is a dispute between the Federation and the Empire, they will accuse the other party of not saving her life and killing her. On the issue of Chen Yunxi."

"But if there is a real fight, they will sit down and negotiate again, saying 'if Yunxi is here, I would never want to see human beings kill each other', blah blah, make up!"

Alice Speaking of these, it's like a joke, but I don't know how much these words comfort Yunxi.

Her heart gradually came out of betrayal and loss. The bone-chilling coldness was also left behind, no matter what, that kind of thing will never happen again...

"It says in this book that Lei Zhan and Concubine Seki became the heads of the empire, is it true?"

"Yes." Alice nodded, "Didn't you say you belonged to the Huaxia tribe before, and I checked it out specifically?" , it turned out that Lei Zhan was the leader of the Huaxia clan before. If he hadn't betrayed the Federation, the Huaxia clan in the Federation wouldn't have split up. Hey, he's a sinner."

"But don't be angry. She gave birth to three sons, and there have always been rumors that these three sons were not born to Concubine Se, otherwise it would be impossible to be safe and sound. Later, it was rumored that these three children were not Lei Zhan's. In short, the empire often fought bloody battles for the throne Not only that, but our federation will just watch the fun!"

"Treason should end like this!"

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