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The Women's Independence Corps is one of the federal armies of particular interest, consisting entirely of female psychics. With - dream - . lā and Claudia, as the captain of the women's independent team, naturally needless to say. Her strong ability and command and self-control ability are obvious to all, and she is known as "the most promising female officer to enter the highest command center". Now, actually fighting with a guard officer who can't even fight with eight poles?

No wonder it instantly detonated major discussions on Skynet.

"I don't know, it turns out that Captain Claudia is Lord Suoan's fiancée! God, what a chaotic relationship! Didn't reveal any news before?"

"Has anyone found out the reason? What should I do? Do you think its weird? If youre working on behalf of your fiancé, how come it took three or five years to think of hitting someone? No, its not right to hit someone, and the dignified independent captain shouldnt be so impulsive!

Is the video of Andra's injury coming out? God, it's terrible, the seventh-order ability user is really not covered! Three punches and two feet, the bones of the whole body are broken. Poor Andra, it is the worst thing to provoke Interstellar It's a fiancée."

"I watched the video. It was beyond recognition, with broken ribs and limbs, and I could see that Captain Claudia was in control, but it was a bit heavy on the fire, or she would have died earlier! , who asked him to betray his boss? This kind of conduct makes people feel sympathetic."

"You guys are talking nonsense. Who cares about Andra's death, I just know that the captain of the women's independent team is not You beat someone by losing your temper, right? Besides, what did she have to do with Andra? Why was there such a big fire?"

"Is there a natural disease in the eyes upstairs? I didn't see that someone said it before, Claudia. The captain is Lord Suoan's fiancee."

"You are born with a disease! Of course I saw it! But I also know that the engagement between Captain Claudia and Lord Suoan was not their free love, nor was it the intention of the two families. Marriage - In fact, the Curry family and the Ponton family are competitors in many fields, and they have been fighting each other for hundreds of years! The two families have no intention of going hand in hand, otherwise, the marriage contract can last for ten years, but it will not end ?"

"Ah? There is still such a secret story? But Lord Suoan was removed from the Curry family... Wait, this section is filtered first. Let me talk about it first, why the two families do not agree, and they still have a marriage contract? Not happy, It can be lifted! Why tie them together!"

"I said that there is a natural disease upstairs. I can't think of it? Who is Lord Suoan? Who is Captain Claudia? They can ignore their own wishes. , who is the one who is forcibly brought together, besides Skynet?" The

major forums suddenly sighed and sighed.

"Understood..." In the

history of the interstellar, there is a history - after the top ten, there is no more extraordinary peak ability. This is strange. The level of science and technology in Mingxing is so advanced, and the physical quality of ordinary people has greatly improved, but the high-level ability users are far inferior to the mother star era. Especially if you can't cross that layer of obstacles, it seems that the eighth and ninth steps are the apex, and there is no way that an extraordinary person will emerge.

The environment of the mother star era is so harsh and the struggle is so cruel, how many extraordinary people can appear? The top ten on record! What about premature death due to various other factors?

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