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Chapter 191 Conditions

Yunxi's plan is to attract those talented interstellar talents in the "Gourmet Course" and serve as alternative hosts for the little yellow duck, so this video is naturally more intentional, not just as a perfunctory trick for the kitchen , or make pocket money for yourself.

After she finished making the spicy worm meat, she deliberately pointed the camera at the diners who ate the "worm meat".

Just because she said it was delicious, how many people believed it? Even if everyone on the spaceship unanimously promoted the promotion, it was not as good as at that moment—the worm meat had just been eaten, and the expression of surprise mixed with satisfaction could better explain the degree of deliciousness.

Everyone, almost everyone who eats bug meat, is a moving picture full of surprises. The subtle dilation of the pupils, and the subtle movements of the facial muscles in a moment, cannot deceive people.

Even if a very few are good at acting, can't 100% of everyone look like "delicious", "delicious", "too fucking delicious"? What's more, I actually ate and ate, and I was so excited that tears fell—it was so delicious that I wanted to cry?

The more this is the case, the more earthquake-level the storm on the Skynet forum will be.

"I'm heartbroken! Worm meat is edible, aren't you kidding me? I've been eating grass for so many years, no... not even grass is natural, it's artificial! Who will tell me how I survived all these years Wipe away my tears!"

"I... I have eaten artificial meat all my life, I have never eaten natural meat, and I don't know what natural meat tastes like! By the way, I saw Lin Tian'er's coordinates, which are very close to my home , very close! If I'm not mistaken, it's the volcanic planet next door. I can dig out tens of thousands of insect eggs with a shovel." "I'm crying so hard!

You have at least eaten artificial meat, Should those who can only eat nutritional supplements find a piece of ore to kill them? By the way, upstairs, quickly send the coordinates of the volcano planet, I'm going to eat meat!" "I want to eat meat too! Natural meat!"


Eat Meat eats meat! We have the right to eat meat! We want the right to eat meat!"

A group of people went crazy!

Do you know people who have never eaten meat, how does it feel?

It's like there is a big missing part in life, and no matter how you fill it in, it won't be complete (vegetarians don't mind), the interstellar people survive in the interstellar era, which is much better than the end of the world. There is no danger of zombie virus infection, and they seem to be living happily?

No, if you haven't eaten meat, if you can't eat meat every day, your life will not be complete! Vegetarians are voluntarily choosing to give up the right to eat meat. But they are forced to buy it because they have no money, no land resources, insufficient air and oxygen, and animals that provide meat cannot survive. Due to various conditions, the price of natural meat cannot be seen by ordinary people on the dining table.

If I had known that there was meat nearby, natural meat, I am afraid that the entire volcanic planet would be hollowed out! Do not doubt! Don't doubt it!

Because people who are sad that they have never eaten real meat, they can't wait for the end of the video, so they call for friends, book the spaceship, and coordinate the volcanic planet. As for the merchant ships/travel ships that are also in the wind system planetary belt, hehe, regardless of the previous destination, they immediately changed their direction at this moment.

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