Finding you in distress (Maudie X Ezra)

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They're 17 in this story

Story status:8/10

Ezra POV

I glanced at my watch, it's half past 11.

I can't believe I had spent the whole day at Kyle's.

The wind got stronger and stronger.

I clutched my umbrella tightly.

Why does it have to rain now?...

Right now, I'm walking through Jandy Park.

And It's a 30-minute walk from Kyle's house to mine.

I looked down, watching my shoes getting wetter and wetter by the minute.

I sighed, having wet socks is such a bad feeli-


I saw a familiar looking pair of shoes.

I think I know who they belong to.

Because they belong to my crush..

I looked up and saw a mildly drenched Maudie looking at me.

Looks like I guessed right.


"Maudie..." I said.

I quickly got to her side and sheltered her with my umbrella.

"What are you doing out here so late in the rain without an umbrella?" I asked. "Thank god the trees sheltered you a bit..." I said as I felt Maudie's head.

It was wet.

Maudie didn't utter a word.

"Maudie, please answer m-" I said as I moved her hair away from her face.

I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

My heart started to hurt.

"What happened?" I asked.

She looked at me and hugged me.

I slowly hugged her back.

My heart started racing.

"My dad and I had an argument." Maudie said.

My mind went blank,

That was it??

She was crying in the rain because she had an argument with her dad??

Believe me, I would feel really bad if I ever argued with my parents.

Maybe I'd shed a tear too,

But in the rain?

Maudie's hug grew tighter

I looked at the mental state she was in

I guess different people have different feelings.

Maudie and her dad DO have a great bond.

Especially when her mother passed.

And girls are scientifically more emotional than boys.

So I can understand.

Brian is the only parental figure in Maudie's life too.

I didn't really know what to do.

What would Ava do?

Maudie pulled back and wiped a tear away.

"Sorry about this, I probably look like an idiot." Maudie sniffed as she gave a small smile.

"No you don't." I said. "Don't worry."

"Thanks." Maudie said.

"You're welcome, why don't I stay here with you for a while." I said.

"I'd love that." Maudie said.

I did indeed stay with her.

It felt really awkward because we were just standing in the middle of the park, underneath a rather small umbrella.

We should probably get a better shelter.

"We should go to one of the park shelters." I said.

Maudie nodded.

I took her hand and we went to the nearest one we could find.

We sat down on the floor and tried drying ourselves up.

"Do you want to tell me about the argument? It's okay if you don't want to." I said as I looked at her.

Maudie stayed silent as she dried her hair.

I guess she doesn't want to talk about it.

It was silent again.

Usually when it was silent between us,

Maudie would break it.

But now I have to.

I pulled my phone and turned to her.

"Do you want to listen to music?" I asked.

Maudie nodded.

"Play the January Valentines." She said.

"Got it, which album?" I asked.

"Brutal." Maudie said.

"Are you sure? Isn't that a sad album." I said.

"It is, but the best way to get rid of sadness is to embrace it." Maudie said.

I did as she said and played it.

She sang along to some of the lyrics of every song.

Some people might say her singing sounds mediocre,

to me it was angelic.

I could feel myself smiling the whole time.

Maudie leaned her head on my shoulder.

This must be a dream.

I hope I never wake up.

"My dad wants us to move." Maudie said.

My eyes widened.

My heart shattering into a million pieces.

I can't imagine Maudie being away.

"Obviously I don't want to. Then we started having a small argument then it turned to shouting and then then-" Maudie said hysterically.

"Breathe Maudie, you're spiraling." I said as I grabbed her shoulder.

Maudie took several deep breaths.

"Thanks." She said. "I'm acting so dramatic, just because of this. Now look at me, I'm soaked and hysterical."

"Maybe you are a little dramatic. But still, what you're doing is understandable. I might have done the same thing too." I said.

"Thanks Ezra, I'll make it up to my dad and have a peaceful chat." Maudie smiled.

"You're welcome, I really hope Brian changes his mind. I really don't want you to leave." I said.

"Why is that?" Maudie asked.

"Because you're my friend and I like your company." I said.

Maudie raised her eyebrow and smiled.

"Just cut the act." Maudie said as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

My mind just exploded.

"I knew you liked me all along; Kyle told me today, before my argument with dad. Also I'm glad he did, I like you too." Maudie said.

My lips trembled into a smile.

I grabbed her chin and gently turned her head to face me.

I kissed her on the forehead.

Not the lips yet.

Not until our parents blessings.

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