[InBESTigators out of context 5]

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Most of these are from an incorrect quotes generator that would suit their characters imo.

First few are from Never have I ever season 4

In most of these, they're all teens or young adults because they prob won't say these things at a young age.

I THINK I have checked it enough.



Kyle: Yo, yo everyone, it's ya boy Kyle Klimson! The dopest and coolest sports leader-

Ezra: *shaking his head* Oh, good lord, this is a presentation, Kyle, not DJ Khaled intro'ing a new song.


Ezra: I think we should let Kyle walk around school with his ripped pants in shame.

Kyle: Damn Ezra, why you coming for me?

Ezra: You drank all the milk and left the carton in the fridge; the trash can is literally two steps away... TWO STEPS.


Ava: *Bringing in bags of food* Hello! Who's hungry? I went to Macca's.

Kyle: *Suddenly spawns in front of her*

Kyle: Did you get extra curly fries?!

Ava: Of course I did. You think I want a riot to break out in the office?


Y/N: Okay, I think I've got everything I need to know. What are the rules around here?

Ava: Let's see, no littering, no cursing, no such pranks like using permanent marker to write 'Kyle Rules' on everyone's foreheads when they're napping though I highly doubt that you would do that... Oh! And the most important rule of all is:

Maudie: Don't take any of Ezra's food without his permission. Because then he gets hangry, and when he's hangry, he makes the Hulk look like Kermit.

Kyle: That's true. One time, he flung a chair against the wall when I took his last fruit bar. That's why we all have helmets in the office.

Maudie: Actually, the helmets are mainly for protecting our heads during Kyles dangerous shenanigans. But yes, in some other scenarios like a Hangry Ezra, we also use them.

Ava: Speaking of which, do you happen to know your helmet size?


Kyle: *enthusiastically* Welcome to the team, your going to love it and hate it here!


Maudie: This is a mistake.

Ava: *Enthusiastically* A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!

Maudie: But not today.

Ava: *Still enthusiastic* Oh, no. Today is going to be a mess.


Ava: Violence is never the answer.

Kyle: Your right.

Ava: *sighs in relief*

Kyle: Violence is the question.

The InBESTigators oneshots and other stuffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt